Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Flashpoint - an EVO webstory

      21 209 2070



      1. You may control only your own character.
      2. No total destruction.
      3. Your posts may only account for one weeks time and one day's action.
      4. No undefeatable protections.
      5. Tech and Civil advances are made during the set timeframe.
      6. Lifepads (small ID modules) may be used indefinately.
      7. Thread Moderators may revoke your posts at any time if they do not follow these rules.
      8. Anything acquired or developed must be noted. Background developments are allowed only by moderators. New technology is limited to that which exists in EVO.
      9. Current technology: The UE has not yet developed the UE Cruiser, the Voinians have not developed the Dreadnaught or enhanced neutron turrets.
      10. You must allow time for your opponent to respond in battle. No single-post battles!
      {Rules 1-8 taken from the EVEA Rooster's Law}

      STORY MAP (copy and past this link into your browser manually or else it won't work): (url="http://"")

      INTRODUCTION: As the Voinian-Emalgha-UE war continues to rage, the Hinwar secretly plot in the shadows. With the Voinians distracted fighting the UE and Emalgha, the time is ripe for an insurrection. Soon all their plotting will be put to the test, as will the strength of all the governments involved.

       *Code tag added to preserve formatting*
      Voinian - Esponer (leader), Ultimate Rebel (Voinian Spy), Lord Gwydion (In Exile)
      UE - Titan (leader), Admiral Benden (second-in-command)
      Emalgha - Redchigh (leader), Battledoctor (second-in-command)
      Hinwar - Thunder (leader), Grunadulater (second-in-command/Hinwar spy)
      Huron (Free Huron!) - Samurai
      Human Independents (Allied Systems Against Renegades / ASAR) - Admiral Nelson
      Human Renegades (Captains) - Kiwi
      Independent players: 
      Imperial Phoenix (Mercenary)
      ESPilot (Mercenary)
      Draco (Independent Pilot - Human)


      The Voinians start out with about 150 ships, the UE with about 120, the Emalgha with about 50, and the Human Renegades and Human Independents about 20 each. 50 ships is a large fleet in this story. Of course, these are only starting values, and you can, of course, build more ships (at a reasonable pace) as the story goes on. Fighters don't count as part of this total, but you can't have hundreds and hundreds of them. 🙂

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

      (This message has been edited by Thunder (edited 05-13-2001).)

    • SilverDragon:

      Character name: Korane
      Skills: Tactical planning, propaganda
      Ship: Voinian Cruiser, V.S.S Shadow
      Position: Emperor of the Voinian Empire of Worlds


      Korane frowned, looking at the two Voinian admirals that stood before him.

      "What do you, lost?" Korane spat.

      "They were ambushed, O Emperor," the taller of the two admirals, Admiral Tanath,
      said. "A fleet of human destroyers and fighters leapt into the Pokoren system and
      destroyed our entire battlegroup."

      "How?!" Korane demanded, smashing his fist down on a metal table before him.

      The shorter and stouter of the Voinian admirals, and by far the craftier, one
      Admiral Soncere, bowed deeply. "They used their high speed. That destroyer that
      came through Vorik must have picked our battlefleet up, and then got to Bakka
      for reinforcements within a few days."

      "Darn!" Korane shouted, turning round, papers falling all over the floor. "That
      brings our overall fleet count to 100 - and we can't even assemble 10 with those
      restless Kioto slaves in Durala!"

      "Emperor?" Soncere asked, near being scared.

      "Yes?" Korane spat, twirling round.

      "I suggest we send two frigates and a cruiser to Durala. We can bring the slaves down
      without any trouble, and then assemble another battlegroup. After all, the Kioto
      slaves there are nothing to worry about - and all they are doing is moaning. Show
      them force and they will tremble."

      Korane pondered it. "Do it. Send them to Durala." Korane turned to Tanath. "How is
      the work on the rocket turret going?"

      Tanath looked surprised to be addressed. "Oh, Emperor, very well. We're working
      on the launcher right now, but we have a good idea what we've doing."

      "The hardest part will be calibra....." Soncere continued, but Korane waved him
      to silence.

      "Never mind. Both of you, get out of my sight. Soncere, go to Vorik. Tanath, go
      to Romit. Guard duty."

      Tanath and Soncere meekly left, leaving Korane to himself.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-07-2001).)

    • Thunder looks tentatively around the darkened room, then peers out the door. There are no Voinians in sight. Hinwar slaves on Gualon had to be especially careful as to where and how they gathered - it could bring them swift death if they weren't careful.

      "I managed to steal another 4 Neutron Rifles!" Thunder said to a shadowy figure hiding in a corner.

      "Excellent," the figure replied. "I'll add this to our stash in the hills."

      "Did you manage to scout out the Voinian military headquarters?" Thunder asked.

      "No... too many guards. And I only had 2 hours off while my master was gone. I'll try again tomorrow night."

      "How many do we have now?"

      "About 1400 Hinwar ready to aid our cause..." the figure whispered, "we will need more if the insurrection is to be a success."

      "I'll keep spreading the word..." Thunder said, hastily exiting the room. Hopefully his master wouldn't notice he'd been missing...

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • Come on then, what do you want me to do?

      "Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
      -Granny Weatherwax

    • OOC: Hello what Jess? Oh, that. I meant do you want an invite into the chat room,
      not would you join!

      <smiles> And you've got your SATs (which you'll breeze through), so no webstories
      until then!

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • i probably shouldn't post here, but, what exactly is this? 😕

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • This is ineteresting, a story without the creacent.

      Name: Titan
      Ship: The U.E.S Inferno
      Postion: Supreme commander of all UE forces

      Thunder, shouldn't the UE have the same amount of ships as the voinians?

      This account is being controled by the Ambrosia secret police, DO NOT interfere with its misson, or you will will regret it.

    • Message to Thunder(encrypted): We are ready to aid your uprising against the Voinians, send us word and we'll send a fleet to Gaulon. end of message

      This account is being controled by the Ambrosia secret police, DO NOT interfere with its misson, or you will will regret it.

      (This message has been edited by Titan (edited 05-07-2001).)

    • OOC: As of yet the UE don't know about the Hinwar, Titan. Be patient - wait for
      the Hinwar to strike. Also, the UE can put more ships on the field - the Voinians
      for more land to protect, so although they have more ships they can't use as
      many (and remember that Voinian ships are unreliable and 1/3 of them are in repairs
      right now.

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • To answer Ultimate Rebel's question, this is a kind of interactive story, much like Red Horizon, Dark Tide, or Warfare. You pick a role (leader of a government, independent pilot, etc...), and then jump into the action.

      Moderation: Titan, the reason the UE have less ships than the Voinians is because the Voinians must fight both the UE and Emalgha, but the UE only have to fight the Voinians. Esponer, there is no need to have a third of your ships in repairs, unless you really want to.

      Thunder snuck through the shadows in the slave district of the Hinwar capital. After passing several dilapidated buildings, he entered a large hotel-like structure; a kind of dormitory for slaves working in the Voinian government complex. He snuck down an entry hallway, and entered a restroom and from there a ventiltion duct. It was dark inside the duct, but he had no flashlight; he'd have to work with what little light there was. He crawled throughto an intersection, then crawled down two more corridors, shimmied up a vertical corridor, then he came to a vent. Luckily for him, the building was in an advanced state of decay, and it was no challenge to coax the grating to fall off, allowing him to step out and stand up carefully.

      He found himself on the third story of the building now, amongst dozens of cots with sleeping Hinwar in them. He smiled; the information they gave him was right after all. As he slipped almost silently between the cots, he suddenly felt a hand restraining his arm. Looking over, he saw one of the Hinwar sitting straight up in her cot.

      "Who are you?" she asked.

      "My name is not important," Thunder replied, "what is important is the news I have to bring."

      "And what news is that?"

      "For 70 years now, our people have been subjugated to the Voinian Empire. Soon all that will end. When that time comes, can I trust you and your fellow slaves to be on my side?"

      "What? A rebellion? How? We don't have any guns or ships!-"

      "Yet," Thunder interrupted. "We don't have any yet." By now, several of the other slaves had woken up, and had gathered the importance of what was going on. "Now," Thunder continued, "can the insurrection trust you to help us take the government complex when the time comes?"

      "You can count on us," another slave spoke up. Whispers of assent came from several of the other cots.

      "When will the insurrection happen?" one slave asked.

      "We'll keep you informed," Thunder replied, heading back toward the ventilation duct, so as to bypass the guards outside the dormitory room. Without another word, he slipped back into the duct, and returned into the darkness.

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • this is cool.
      name: Kokoney
      skills: stealth, disguise, and fighter pilot
      ship: varies from time to time
      position: voinian spy

      well, i don't know what to post right now, but that's my character. if you don't like what i post, you can erase it.

      I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

    • OOC: Ultimate Rebel, I'd love a Voinian aid, but make sure you're certain about it
      first, okay? In this game it's important to understand Voinian disadvantages - we
      can still win, there's no rule against it, but we've got to understand we have to
      "appear weak" early on to give the others a chance... He he he......

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • I'll join up as a Free Huroner. 🙂 It'll be interesting, anyway.

      Name: Miliardo (meel-YAR-doe)
      Ship: Turncoat
      Specs: Improved speed and shielding, an extra Needle launcher and more N. Missiles.
      Skills: Oratory
      Position: I'm trying to get Huron to declare independance from the UE.

      I'm right.
      (url="http://"") Pilot File Trading Network (/url)

    • Korane grinned at the report from Soncere. "You are sure about this?"

      "Indeed," Soncere smiled, a thin slit of a smile. "Our scouts are certain - Yandros
      is now almost completely undefended."

      "Then ready ten Voinian frigates! Make a raid there!" Korane shouted, his voice
      travelling four octaves higher. "Oh, and why aren't you in Vorik?" Korane added.

      Soncere looked around, smiling. "I thought this was more important. Shall I go to
      Vorik now?"

      "No. Go to Yandros. Take ten Voinian frigates with good captains, and a number of
      heavy fighters," Korane ordered.

      Soncere grinned slightly. "Of course, sir." With that Soncere left the room.

      Korane sifted through a number of papers. Work on the turreted rocket was beginning
      to progress - soon enough the prototype would be ready. Also, there was a suggestion
      for an improved fighter. Korane, unlike previous Voinian emperors, believed that
      fighters were important, so he quickly passed the suggestion.


      Ten Voinian frigates, part of Soncere's personal force, which mainly patrolled
      east Voinia, leapt into the Yandros system, with twenty heavy fighters
      on their side.

      Their was a buildup of UE ships there ready to meet them, but then again, Soncere's
      information had been a lie anyway.

      "I am Soncere, Admiral of the Voinians, and I am willing to defect to you," Soncere
      declared over a comm. link. "All these ships and people are willing to help you.
      Do you agree?"


      How Voinian Society Functions:
      1 Emperor - Has a personal fleet of 40 warships, called "Imperial Steel"
      Admiral Tanath - Has a personal fleet of 20 warships, called "Terror Guard"
      Admiral Soncere - Has a personal fleet of 20 warships, called "Dark Steel"
      Admiral Biegh - Has a personal fleet of 20 warships, called "Centaur Watch"

      Imperial Steel: Guarding Voinia, Svass, Fridion, Niot, DSN-1156
      Terror Guard: In repairs at Riden, normally guards Riden, Otid, Tientu, Durala, Duram
      Dark Steel: Guarding Mihal, Avann, Dogover, Vorik
      Centaur Watch - Guarding Gualon, Obron, Gamur, Naogza

      NOTE: Centaur Watch and Admiral Beigh will be the main opposition of the Hinwar

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 05-08-2001).)

    • Character name: Lord Gwydion
      Position: Can I be Admiral of the Voinian Marines?
      Ship: Voinian Cruiser, V.S.S. Wraith
      Skills: Covert tactics, precision attack coordination, leadership, and precision rifle/pistol firing (really good at hitting where he wants to hit)


      Lord Gwydion sits patiently at his desk, awaiting his orders from Korane.

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.

      (This message has been edited by Lord Gwydion (edited 05-08-2001).)

    • Korane walks into Gwydion's quarters. "I have a job for you, Gwydion. I want you
      to look around the Gualon and Gamur systems. They have been rumours of Hinwar
      angry. Beat them if necessary."

      "Of course, O Emperor," Gwydion replied.

      Korane nodded. "Meanwhile, we are attacking Yandros. Keep an eye out over there, if
      you want."


      OOC: Voinian players, I will give you more missions later. Also, don't crush the
      Hinwar! Let them grow a bit first....... 😉

      Fear not the dragon,
      Fear not the wolf,
      Fear not the warship,
      Fear my Crescent Fighter.

    • Character Name:Admiral Benden
      Rank:Commander of the United Earth Purple Sector Fleet
      Ship:U.E.S. Yokohama(UE Carrier)
      Position:Orbiting First Centauri
      Skills:3d Battlefield Tactics

      Purple Sector Fleet consists of:
      Destroyers:U.E.S. Texas, U.E.S. Oklahoma, U.E.S. Virginia, U.E.S. California, & U.E.S Colorado
      Carriers:U.E.S. Yokohama, U.E.S. Bahrain, U.E.S Buenos Ares


      Admiral Benden stifled a yawn. Gaurding a planet was boring. He should have never given up captaincy of his destroyer. Things were much more interesting on the frontier. He wanted something to do other than the work which should belong to some planetbound desk jockey.

      "The heathens are upon us. Arm yourselves and go with God." Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet, prior to the Battle of Centauri.

    • Yep. Lord Gwydion and SD have been doing more interesting things on the frontier...

      "Things that try to look like things often do look more like things than things, well known fact."
      -Granny Weatherwax

      (This message has been edited by Jess (edited 05-08-2001).)

    • Lord Gwydion got his cruiser ready and began to make the journey from his office on Borb Station to Gualon. When he landed, he asked the leader of slave operations about these rumours.

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.

    • Name: RED
      Specialty: Doesn't excel at anything, above average on everything...
      Govt: Emalgha!
      ship: Emalgha Battleship, w/ Voinian weopons & armor taken from a disabled frigate
      Escorts: two Voinian Grigates, 5 Emalgha battleships, inumerable Voinian and Emalgha fighters

      RED is in his office, on Military HQ on Emalgha, watching his defense fleet crush a Voinian raiding party, and he notices that the Voinian fleet has a definate advantage...
      He sets a fleet of 10 Emalgha fighters out to Voinian space, looking for a Frigate to rip tech from...

      OOC: hinwar, keep your eyes out for an Emalgha fighter that might need to crash land soon 😉

      Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.
      --- Tim Hansel