Okay, I've never seen these in all of the time I've played EVO, except maybe a few times in EV-Edit. Where, how and for whom do I get them from? Thanks in advance
Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)
Okay, I've never seen these in all of the time I've played EVO, except maybe a few times in EV-Edit. Where, how and for whom do I get them from? Thanks in advance
Destroyer of Worlds
(or at least their ships)
The ENT is in Reign Of THe UE. Without the plug-in you cannot receive these.
-Transmission Ended
"You are gentle and kind.....but that isn't enough. You must be strong too, for evil will overpower you if you are not strong. You must be like steel, strong and invulnerable, yet bending under certain circumstances."
I've never even heard of them myself. Maybe the Dreadnought uses them - if so,
that's strange, because I can barely see the UE Fighter standing up to that many
normal neutron turrets, never mind enhanced ones...
"That's all very nice, but where's the guns?"
- SilverDragon
Actually they are on the Dreadnaught. They are not all that much mor powerful on 1.0.1 . However the speed, range and accuracy is all increased. In my version of EVO the Dreadnaught has 6 of these weapons.
In your version? Did the dreadnought also beat all the strand mission, without any plugin, in your version?
This is an example of truly subversive humour. There are, in all societies (including those which boast of having "free speech"), certain truths known by everybody but that everybody keeps quiet about (e.g., the government is robbing us blind).
(This message has been edited by Dawnshine (edited 05-17-2001).)