Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • How Do You Use Res-Edit

      I have Just down loaded Res-Edit but when i did and looked at it i did not under stand it so some one one explain the hole thing to me please


    • You'll pick it up soon enough. Essentially, it allows you to edit the resources of programs. Try the (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developers board(/url) for some more detailed help.

      All jocks think about is sports. All nerds think about is sex. (Non-exact quote from Revenge of the Nerds)

    • I assume you mean for plug-in making purposes, correct? If that's what you mean, then this might get a better response on the "EVO Developers Corner" board, but anyway, here goes:

      To use resedit to make plug-ins, you also need the EVO Templates file and the EVO bible, both of which come with with EVO 1.0.2 when you download it. Look in the folder marked "Plugin Developers ƒ". With the templates file open, you will be able to create a new plug-in. For specifics on how to make the resources needed (dësc, spöb, etc...), check the EVO bible. It's a bit difficult to understand at first, but it will get easier as you keep trying.

      If you have more questions on how to use resedit to make plugs, I suggest that you ask the moderators to move this topic to "EVO Developers Corner",. The people there will probably be able to answer almost any questions you have about resedit in regards to plug-in making.

      Hope this helps,

      American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan!

    • Where do you get Res-Edit?

      All quite on the western front.
      But not for long...

    • Ok. first off, open up ResEdit. Go to the 'File' menu, and select verify. It then lets you choose which application to verify (EV Data/Graphics, etc.). After you've selected it and pressed 'Open', it does a scan and it should say 'The file appears to be OK'. Then, drag the EV/EVO Data (I assume that's what you want anyway) into the ResEdit application, and boom. You're ready. Just double-click one of the rescource thingies and it brings up a list (shďp, oütf, wëap, etc.) of what's inside. Double click the item you want, and you may have to have a different databank opened for reference (the different items are classified as numbers), then you can make a ship have certain weapon, a certain amount of shields, have a certain MissionBit, Tech level, or flags. For a new item, you select the 'rescource' menu and click 'new rescource'. Then you can fill in the blanks as you see fit (I recommend against cheating though).

      Any questions?

      P.S. The EVO Bible, in the Plugin Developers folder, makes it alot easier.

      Why settle for a $3 pound of pork meat, when you can get up to 50+ pounds of human meat free?

    • Res-Edit is way, way too complicated to be explained in a post. You have to either read up on it (boring and time consuming), take a class about it( boring, time-consuming, and expensive), or play around with it yourself( 🙂 ). I'v found that the best way to learn how to use something is to play around with it until you get the basics and then download Res-Edit instructions or the EVO Bible to learn the more advanced features. Iv been doing that sorta thing on and off for about 2 or 3 years( on and off means that I'v probably only spent about 48 hours on it ), and i feel pretty confident that I could make a decent plug-in if i had an attention span longer than 2 hours per day and 2 days a week. Ohh, and remember, when you play around with something using any editing software, be sure to only play with a copy!!! Changes are irreversable and impossable to fix. Plus, you'll probably screw a lot of stuff up before you start to get the hang of it. I know I did.

      "Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"
      -Some old wise fellow