Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Here is a list I just wrote up.
      NCC Dauntless; Delta Flyer (from voyager)
      USS Defiant; Valiant; Relian
      Ororo (storm from X-men)
      Avatar (another name for a physical representation of ones self in another world)
      Trinity, Morpheus (Matrix)
      XSE-Shard, XSE-Bishop (x-men characters)
      Antimony (from Amalgam Comics)
      Jaden Blade, The Lady Helen
      But my question iswhat do people like to call their Captains: Travesty, Ezri Dax, 3rd of 5, Helen, are some of mine.

      ...your amazing.
      "No, I am better than that."

    • Ship names:

      I.C.V. Devastator
      I.C.V. Yokohama
      I.C.V. Bahrain
      I.C.V. Buenos Ares
      I.C.V. Asamanth
      I.C.V. Saratoga

      I.C.V. stands for Independant Command Vessel

      "The heathens are upon us, arm yourselves and go with God."-Paul Benden, Commander of the Purple Sector Fleet

    • I call mine the SDF-1 Macross. If you haven't seen Robotech or Macross, it's a really kickass ship that blows everybody to heck.

      "You have committed a fatal error and your existence must be terminated." Windows error message.

    • only one:


      Jupiter is Populated by Spherical Cubes

    • Sometimes I name my shuttlecraft "Flying Toaster" after the infamous screensaver. 🙂

      ~Captain Skyblade

      Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spl_cadet:
      **I call mine the SDF-1 Macross. If you haven't seen Robotech or Macross, it's a really kickass ship that blows everybody to heck.


      Now all you need is a reflex cannon.

      My current pilot, Gummy Joe, is flying in a scoutship, The Kumo-Mi. Which translates to "Cloud serpent" or "Cloud dragon." My shuttle was the "Flying Fanatic." I haven't decided on the next name yet, so haven't upgraded to my next ship.

      FLOBBLEDEEFEE, that's what we said when we were mad or frustrated, we said it because we were idiots. A bunch of inbred, illiterate, cro-magnons, blowin' our noses on crusty handkerchiefs, waiting in line for our heads to burst into flames. That's the way it was, and we liked it!
      -Signed, A Grumpy Old Man

    • You haven't upgraded your ship because you can't think of a name?! You need to prioritize! 😉 You ain't gonna get nowhere in a scoutship (figure of speech, because of its range, you'll actually get to places faster than most ships). Worry about naming when you buy the ship. At worse, you could end up with "Arada 8472" (yes, I picked that number on purpose, if any fellow Trekkies recognize it) or something.

      The last time I was on this board, the price of dumb questions was really high.

    • Ebonn's Wrath
      Joyous Juniper
      Ebonncito's Favorito
      El Gordo
      Spankimus Shibisimus


    • The "John Galt" of course.
      Who is John Galt?

      Five tons of Flax,


    • My current ship is an Arada the S.S. Tasmas Sea, which is boring but has a ring to it. I have a madly souped up Kestrel in EV called the N.S.S. Death's Head, though. 🙂

      All your base are belong to us.

    • I've always favored Escape Velocity, so therefore I name my ships that of those old ones.
      Considering I had an actual deathstar and ruling the universe. I called my ships in EV Override such as this:

      U.S.S. Burn Em'
      U.S.S. Hellsgates
      U.S.S. Blazing Death
      U.S.S. Death Shall Come To You!

    • My ship is a Cresent Warship called the S.S. Starquest. If anyone used to watch the old sci-fi show "Seaquest", you know that the Cresent Warship kind of looks like it.

      "Censorship enslaves those who are unable to think for themselves"
      "True greatness is being given the gift of knowledge, then having the knowledge to apply that gift."
      "When they give you lined paper, write the other way."

    • I used to name my ships stuff like "Phoenix" or "Hawk" or "Falcon", but then I ran out of choices, so I started using stuff like "" or "" or "*" or "ř". And for those who don't know, you get these symbols with the alt key. 🆒


    • Sorry I don't know why those other 3 symbols didn't work. Anyway, one was an omega one was a funny looking E, and the other was a triangle.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by UE Crusader:
      **I've given my ship various names, but these days the one I almost always use the name "Alpha Omega" For those who don't know, that translates into "The beginning and the end."

      Actually it would be "beginning end" or "the beginning, the end" you don't have "and" in there.

      My ships are:
      Sythe (can't spell, is that right?)
      Sabre (cooler looking if you spell it wrong)
      Pilot: Jade Fox, Ship: Hidden Dragon

      And at Christmas I started a pilot named Santa, and the ship was Rudolph's Sled (if I remember right, it was a long time ago.)

      Oh, and all the basic names like
      Star Runner

      I think I'll take up Wudan.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Evil Penguin:
      Pilot: Jade Fox, Ship: Hidden Dragon


      That movie kicked.

      War is peace.
      Freedom is slavery.
      Ignorance is strength.
      Big Brother is watching you.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cazic Thule:
      **That movie kicked.

      Definitely! (sp?)
      look at my sig

      I think I'll take up Wudan.

      (This message has been edited by Evil Penguin (edited 04-08-2001).)

    • I have a Crescent Warship named El Diablo V.

      In Spanish trhis means "The Devil"


    • UE Cruiser, I want to call it GreatBigMassivePoundYouIntoDust but it doesn't fit, so it's just called GreatBigKill
