Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • North Tip Station Bar

      25 247 2015

      There haven't been any bars for a while, and I like'em, so here.
      Only Three rules:
      One: No time related weopons
      two: No killing anyone w/o their permission
      three: DON'T GET BANNED!
      (with prayers that this bar doesn't end up like my Pax Station Bar)

      For those of you that don't know what a bar is, it's kind of like the RPGs on the board, except most of the action happens in the bar. watch the "senior" players and you'll catch on.

      REDchigh is flying around in his souped up Arada, when he docks at NT station. There is a major shootout going on in the bar, and the Bartender is clearly terrified. REDchigh goes up to the bar tender, almost getting his arm blown off by a phase blast, and ducks behind the counter beside the bartender. the Bartender goes on and on about how this kinda thing always happens in a Renegade bar, and soon REDchigh notices that the Bartender is an older strandless. Obviously tired of all the fighting. Sensing a business opportunity, REDchigh offers to buy the bar, and, after an hour of bartering, they agree on 1.8M for everything in the bar. The bartender leaves, and REDchigh watches the Lazira fly away. REDchigh Shoots his phase at the nearest renegade, and shoots his thumb off. Every one stops firing, and REDchigh speaks-"Either you can stop shooting, or I can make it where you can never shoot again." soon, the renegades are outside the bar, and RED watches them blow each other to pieces. REDchigh takes his place behind the bar, and waits for his first customer.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • SilverDragon docks his Crescent Fighter, the Silver Falcon, and enters the bar.

      "Half a Saalian brandy." he says, his eyes slightly blurred. Without another word
      he hands over his ID.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

    • REDchigh looks at the customer, catches the glimpse of the Zacha badge on his belt, and then glance at the ID, noting it is fake, and has the Bounty hunter logo on it, and makes the dude a drink (while RED arms his hidden phase pistol..)

      Soo What brings an "Independant" pilot out here so far into renegade space? must be a descent pilot if you survived the trip.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-07-2001).)

    • "Why am I here? Why am I buying a drink?" SilverDragon says as he drains the
      drink without actually taking even a sip.

      "I'm here because I'm being paid to hang a pirate leader from a coathook and
      then throw him into a tiny storage compartment in my Crescent Fighter to give
      him to something I've never met before. And they'll enter the bar in....." He pauses
      to look at his watch. "Oh, about two minutes? I hope you don't mind the mess."

      SilverDragon smashes the glass down on the counter. "I don't drink alcohol. Give me
      another." he says, his eyes staring vacantly around, not seeming to recognise
      anything, and yet quickly mapping out the whole area with great precision.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

    • REDchigh motions grabs a napkin, and writes "You'd better get that thing out of here! of hide it!" and hands it to Esponer, and does a motion towards the Zacha badge. Esponer quickly hides it just as the next ship docks with the station...

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • After hiding the badge, SilverDragon also reluctantly decides to hide his phase
      rifle under his jacket more. As he grabs his jacket and stretches it down under
      the phase rifle, two large knives and some grenades on his belt become visible.

      He notices that Redchigh has noticed. "I like to make an impression. I should have
      brought my torp. crossbow with me. That certainly scares people, but it weighs a

      (Torp. crossbows aren't designed to be held by humans, but on turrets that you
      lay on the ground. Then again, this character is huge, about 6'8" and bulky)

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

      (This message has been edited by SilverDragon (edited 04-07-2001).)

    • USS Bristol docks his voinian frigate Evil Leer and heads for the bar.

      - One bottle of Kff'jf! (a voinian drink)
      - Nice bar you've got.


    • SilverDragon hears a noise from outside the bar. "That might be the guy. Red,
      another drink - quickly."

      SilverDragon strokes the knife at his side without realising he's doing it.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

    • Whitehawk's Zachit Arada flies up into the dock, ready to be refueled.

      While wating he headed for the bar

      They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
      They are wrong
      There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates

    • Quote

      Originally posted by USS Bristol:
      **- One bottle of Kff'jf! (a voinian drink)
      - Nice bar you've got.

      I think we might have one more bottle of Kff'Jf left...
      REDchigh leaves the bar, and goes into the back room.
      A few minutes later he returns, with three bottles, marked with years of Age.
      I hope this gets better with age....
      He passes the drinks to Bristol.
      Thanks- i like this bar too.


      originally posted by Silverdragon:
      That might be the guy..

      REDchigh is faintly interested in why a Zacha bounty hunter would be tracking a Voinian, but he doesn't say anything...

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

    • SilverDragon gives Bristol a sidelook. "Careful with those drinks, they're
      quite strong."

      SilverDragon stood up. "I'll show you something else that is strong..." he says
      as he grabs Bristol by the neck, his other hand reaching for Bristol's side to
      remove any guns.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

    • Jade's Azdara settles down on the station, and Jade gets out and heads for the

      After seeing a fight going on, she sighs and orders an Artemicion Red, a famous
      Azdgari wine.

      A.S.S Beatrix,
      Save the Queen.

    • Whitehawk comes into the bar, his Zachit badge shining in the light. When he sees two people, one held by the neck with a knife he pulls his blaster from his side and aims it at the knife holder, saying calmly "Now back off and I won't shoot. Zachit don't like people like you."

      He holds his blaster in a firing stance.

      They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
      They are wrong
      There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates

    • <Deleted>

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-08-2001).)

    • "What a depressing situation to end up in." SilverDragon says. Realising that
      the huge Bristol is about to beat him up anyway <Red told me about Bristol's
      character on AIM> he lets the guy down.

      SilverDragon walks up to Whitehawk. "You, my dear friend, are the most totally
      stupid person in the galaxy." he whispers, flashing his Zacha badge at him.

      Don't play with changing names:
      Esponer - 130 posts
      Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
      Sylver - 1 post

    • REDchigh calmly draws his Phase Pistol, and points it at the three customers.

      "Explain Yourself!" he says, his pistol trained on Silverdragons fourhead..

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-08-2001).)

    • Jade watches what is going in with mild interest.

      "Will you all shut up?" Jade says calmly, breaking the silence. "You're putting
      me off my drink."

      Jade waves shock pistol in her free hand.

      A.S.S Beatrix,
      Save the Queen.

    • "I'm not aiming at you, idoit. I've been tracking this Voinian for years now."

      Pointing at the Voinian, he said, "Damn you scum! You're under arrest for charges against humanity."

      They say the Devil's name is the most unholiest.
      They are wrong
      There is one who's name is even worse. His name is Bill Gates

    • As a modified Crescent Warship is now docked, a slightly taller than average, thickly-built man with a small Blaze pistol and a Neutron rifle, plus an ion-charged knife made of dospect, and a pair of Strandless Renegade marines armed with phase rifles enter the bar.

      Their leader, ESPilot, dismisses the guards and they head back to the Honor Blade, his ship, and he calmly orders a cup of coffee. Seeing the fight he says "Can I ask a question? What's this little skirmish about?" Then seeing the Zacha badges on Silver and Whitehawk, he summons half a dozen guards, all armed with phase rifels, as 2 Renegade Aradas dock and the captains, rugged-looking middle age Strandless, come out, armed with various pistols and daggers......

      ESPilot; Ship: S.S. Honor Blade, Alliance: Anyone who pays him huge sums of cash for killing people (currently the NTR's),
      Combat Rating: Deadly

    • Quote

      Originally posted by ESPilot:
      **Combat Rating: Deadly

      Man- your weak! I got Ultimate while i was still in a UE fighter!

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.

      (This message has been edited by -REDCHIGH- (edited 04-08-2001).)