Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • An EVO Epic Adventure

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      Here is a little story, haven't seen one in here for a while so I thought I'de start up a new one.

      The engines on S.S. Unsupervised hummed to life as it began take-off from Earth's docking pad. As Bubaganoosh pulled his newly outfitted Azdgari Warship through the atmosphere a red alert began to beep across the S.S. Unsupervised 's ship screen.
      "Uh-oh, looks like we got company," Bubaganoosh announced over the intercom to his fellow crew members. "A duked out Bounty Hunter straight ahead, and it looks like he's got friends. Engange fighters!"
      The docks opened as 6 Azdara fighters raced towards the fleet of Crescent Warships. As the Bounty Hunter's released their fighters as well a mass of turret fire shot through the blackness of space. It didn't look good for Bubaganoosh but then, all of a sudden...

      "Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see."

    • ...Cap'n Hector swooped into the system. The Bounty Hunters raced after him, obviously outraged at him for stealing their credits. Bubaganoosh breathed a sigh of relief as he watched and laughed when Cap'n Hector cheerfully reminded the Hunters to register and flew out of the system with the bounty hunters right on his trail. But all was not over as he saw a pursuit missile scream by the S.S Unsupervised and jumped back in alarm. But before he could respond...

      "Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die." -Mel Brooks

    • An Igazra uncloaks right behind the lead bounty hunter. This is no ordinary Igazra.... it's heavily upgraded, with "Mighty Yellow Penis" written along the side. Off in the distance, an observing UE Scoutship reports back to earth:

      "Alrighty... now, this is getting crazy. one of those large yellow ships that don't respond to hails have just uncloaked.... UNCLOAKED? That's our technology! how do they have it???.. .... it's... oh, this is a sick joke? The ship's name is "Mighty Yellow Penis"... sigh... what's the galaxy coming to?"

      Meanwhile, the Igazra, reaches the lead Bounty Hunter. A tractor beam is quickly shot at the hunter and neutron turrets begin to hammer away at the Hunter's hull. S.S. Unsupervised's Azdaras have begun to butcher the Bounty Hunters' crescent fighters. The fighters are fast, but they just don't have the shield recharge ability of the Azdaras. A huge explosion occurs as the last plum-shaped ball of energy hits the disabled Bounty hunter's hull.

      The Igazra recloaks, leaving the S.S. Unsupervised to fight off the remaining Bounty Hunters (minus their fighters)

      Dargh. I gotta type faster......

      HHAHAHAHAHAHA. Miranu, classy! "Cheerfully reminds the hunters to register"... hahahaha! 😄

      "Free your mind"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

      (This message has been edited by Flatulence (edited 11-26-2000).)

    • sorry for interrupting. but i cant register. When i register i dont get my password emailed to me. And yes i wrote it write. Its hotmail adress, has that got anything to do with it.(sorry again for interrupting your story, but since i aint member, i cant post questions, and since i cant become a member.....)
      Help a troubled man out


      heh. Just kiddin 😄

      Hmmm... that does sound like a problem.... do you have any other email address besides hotmail? Even with hotmail, I think it should work....

      "Free your mind"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • A UE Cruiser flew into the system guns blazing. It managed to take out the Bounty hunters in a few seconds but the Unsupervised got caught in the crossfire and was disabled. He quickly got into the special Azdera in the Docking Bay. He suited up and launched, just as his ship exploded, taking all the Azderas not launched with her. The UE Cruiser suddenly turned red on his scanners and transmited that he was so mad about Bubaganoosh's ship's explotion scrapeing his paint that he was going to kill Buba. "YOU'RE mad? YOU didn't just have your eight million credit ship get blown OUT FROM UNDER YOU!" Buba yelled at the captin of the UE ship. Suddenly the UE Cruiser opened fire taking his shields down to 50%. Buba made a run at the Cruiser and quickly disabled it's Turrets. But the Pursiut missle launcher gained after a trade deal with the Miranu was still active. It quickly took out the rest of Buba's shields. Buba disabled that too but noticed that his shield display bar wasn't filling in. Buba finished off the crusier in a few more minuits and as soon as that happend his shields went back up to full. "That's funny." He thought. He landed back on earth and said he was sorry for taking out te Crusier. "That's all right," the UE officier said. "It was a stolin ship. We're glad you took it out. What do you want as a reward?" "Could you have some technitions take a look at my shield display bar? I think it malfunctiond." "OK. Some tech men will get right on it." A few hours later... "That's what I said. Nothing is wrong with it." "But my shielsd should have been back up in a few seconds!" "I know. All we can figure out is that your sheild matrix just stopped working in the middle of the battle." "All right" Buba said. "I'm leaving to tell this to the Azdgari goverment. Thanks for telling me what happend."

      The Person who joins the United Earth Dictatorship knows not true might and he knows not true enlightenment.

      My objective is to live forever. So far so good.
      Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

    • Nope, im bumped up in vietnam, brought a powermacintosh, but i live in a hut outside of town, so no telefone line. Atleast i have electricity. So i have to go on a internetcafe, when i want to join the net. Think it would help with yahoo or something like it?

    • Good continuation guys, and I can't believe it... I'm still alive!! hehe

      As Buba's ship hurtled into the Azdagari System a message appeared on his screen, it read: "Bubaganoosh, the United Earth have informed us of your malfunctioning shield status bar. Report to Muid for a detailed investigation on your ship." With that, Buba began to set his hyper-travel route for Muid. Activating the auto-pilot he tilted back in his chair and tried to get some shut-eye. When he awoke the planet of Muid loomed in front of his ship. He requested for docking and began to land. As he touched down on the docking-pad an Azdagari scientist rushed into his ship, "Buba! We would like to examine your ship as soon as possible. Would you mind lending your ship to our science team for research? We would equip you with a new Azdagari Warship, of course." "Of course, anything to assit the mighty Azdagari Goverment." "Great, your new ship will be waiting in docking-bay 141-Section C. The research will take some time so you might want to go on some sort of vacation." Bubaganoosh headed for his new ship and began to wonder where he should go to relax. He rememberd his missions in assisting Kirrim Prime and decided to head there for a little skiing. As he opened the door to his ship a farmiluar face greeted him...

      "Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see."

    • A stocky human walks through the door as Buba opens it. Eye contact is made, and Buba swears that he's seen that human before.... Letting it slide, Buba walks off to find his ship. Parked next to his brand new Aggy Warship is an Igazra with "Mighty Yellow Penis" written along the side. Massive holes riddle the entire hull of the ship. An engine is missing and the smell of fuel is in the air. Buba looks back to see the human walking quickly towards the outfit shop. Thinking better than to bother the human traitor, Buba walks back and gets in his brand new ship. He starts the engine and afterburns out into space.........

      "Free your mind"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • After a few days he reaches Kirrm. He skies there for about a week untill he had run into so many trees that he decided to stop. After recuperating for a while he gets a call from the Azdgari govermant. "What is it?" Buba asks harshly. "We discoverd the same thing as the UEs did. Your status bar is working fine. We thing whatever you fought had some way to keep shields from regenerating. We are glad you destroyed the one that had this device but it might still be floting in the wreckage of his ship. You must go back to the Sol system and try to find it. If you can bring it to Xarns and our best scientists will try to find a countermesure to it." "I'll get right on it." Buba said.

      The Person who joins the United Earth Dictatorship knows not true might and he knows not true enlightenment.

      My objective is to live forever. So far so good.
      Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

    • Buba rushed to his ship to begin take-off. He wondered where such a powerful device came from as his Azdagari Warship took off from the snow covered docking pad. As the ship burst through the atmosphere a message beeped on his comp-screen. "ATTN BUBA: The Mighty Yellow Penis wishes to board your ship. Stand still or we will open fire." Considering the possibilities Buba decides to wait for the ship to board. He knew that if a fight must break out it would be better if it was face to face, he was much better at land combat than in space. As the Igadzra's tractor beam began to reel the S.S. Unsupervised in Buba grabbed his blaster, hiding it in his coat pocket. The noise of metal hitting metal errupted throughout the Warship as the Igadzra began the final boarding process. Within a few seconds the hatch door would open revealing whoever lurked inside. As the door slid open a tall dark figure loomed infront of Buba, Flatulence. "Buba, I must speak with you concerning your shield status bar. I've heard from my sources that you are trying to find out the device which caused your shield matrix to shut down. I know the answer, and I know who made it. You see ever since F-25 was found it became a hot-zone. Everybody wanted to be the first to colonize it. Finally, a small band of mercenary's accomplished this task and set up a secret base underground and it soon became the headquarters for their secret operations. It was those band of mercenary's who discovered the technology to the SPD (shield penetration device). I would like to go into more detail; however, we must continue this discussion at a later time. Right now you must retrieve that device in the Sol System immedietly before the mercenary's recover it. Hopefully there is only one, but I'm sure they still have plans to make more. I will gather a fleet to plan an attack on the small base on F-25. Once you get the device meet me on Kirrim Prime." With that Flatulence returns back into the dark chambers of his ship and the hatch door slid shut. Buba quickly rushed to the controls and began to set a hyper-travel route to the Sol System.

      Sounds like a new plug-in!! 🙂

      "Stop ryhming, and I mean it!"
      "Uh... Anybody want a peanut?"

    • The overprotective UE custodian droids, programmed to be more zealous than even the junior medical officers at Himgro, in the space in the Sol system were busily cleaning up the wreckage of the (url="http://"")UE Cruiser(/url) when Bubba jumped in-system. He sent one of his (url="http://"")Azdaras(/url) to retrieve the device. When it was recovered, he started entering coordinates into his navicomputer. Suddenly he realized he had received two commands: one to go to Kirrim Prime, the other to take the device to Xarnes. He wondered what to do...

      P.S.: Irretating, I use a Hotmail account too, and it works fine for me. I don't know what could have happened...I'll try registering an user name and see what happens.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      " Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing."--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

    • Buba decided that he would take the Device to Xarns because that was the Strand he had sided with and he had a strong sense of loyelty. Once there the Recearchers confiscaed the device and took it into their most advanced lab. A few minuits later there was a tremondus explosion and a mushroom cloud came up from the lab where the scientests had taken the device. "Oh no." Bubba thought. "It was booby traped. I should have taken it to the Igadzra." Suddenly a large siren went off and a panicked voice announced, "Xarns is breaking apart. Evacuate!" Buba quickly led as many Azdgari as he could find onto his ship and took off. He initiated the Hyperdrive just when the moon exploded. There was a blinding flash and Xarns was gone and there was a huge hole in the planet the three moons were orbiting.

      The Person who joins the United Earth Dictatorship knows not true might and he knows not true enlightenment.

      My objective is to live forever. So far so good.
      Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

    • Nice touch Lone 🙂

      Buba, with a truck load of homeless Azdagari passengers, dropped them off on one of the nearby moons that was also orbiting the planet (I forget all the names of those planets). He decided to look for one of the Azdagari commanders to find out what had exactly happened. He ran into Adzara, an Azdagari Commander of one of the strongest Azdagari fleets, and asked about the commotion. "Oh Bubaganoosh, I'm so glad I found you. It seems that the device you picked up was not the real device after all. Whoever that device belonged too quickly filched it and replaced it with a look-a-like. They somehow knew you were going back to find it; however, I'm not sure it was ment to be taken back to our homeworld. We need your help to investigate on this matter, please... will you help us?" Buba agrees to help the frantic Azdagari Commander and heads off to his ship. He begins thinking of Flatulence and his plan on retrieving the SP device. And then he realized it, Flatulence had set him up; however, he hadn't expected him to return to Xarnes but rather to take the SPD to Kirrim Prime where it would destroy the ski resort. But why would Flatulence want to destroy a prefectly innocent resort on Kirrim. Something was definettly up and Buba began to set coordinates for Kirrim Prime to begin investigation emmidietly.

      "Stop ryhming, and I mean it!"
      "Uh... Anybody want a peanut?"

    • While Bubba uneventfully jumps through the mostly empty systems on the way to Kirrim, he starts thinking. Suddenly, he remembers that some of the Miranu didn't like the ski resort on Kirrim, and that some of the Miranu settled on F-25. He then, quite logically, assumes that the merchants who designed the system were among those who didn't like the ski resort...

      P.S.: One of the moons in the Adzgari system is Veltes...don't remember the other one.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      " Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing."--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary

    • And the ski resort started on fire...

      (url="http://"")Doing the Right Thing(/url)
      "A terrible darkness has fallen upon us, but we must not surrender to it. We shall lift lamps of courage and find our way through to the morning."
      -Member of Emalgha Resistance

    • But was quickly put out by the Miranu Firefighters in their shiny red ships

      "Stop ryhming, and I mean it!"
      "Uh... Anybody want a peanut?"

    • Buba jumps into the Kirrim system.... on the planet he sees the burning resort. Buba thinks "Where's that damn fool Flatulence now? Why would he do this".... Suddenly, once again, the large lumbering Mighty Yellow Penis uncloaks right beneath the S.S. Unsupervised and lets out a tractor beam to latch on. Neutron turrets start to hammer away at Buba's fighter bay doors. Buba can feel the explosions from within his hull, his Azdaras exploding before they could be released to work their magic. Buba fights back, but the neutron turrets destroy his shields much faster than he can hit the Penis'. Once again, Buba is struck by a sudden realization. His shields aren't recharging. "So, Flatty did steal the SPD device... what use would it be?"... after a quick battle, the S.S. Unsupervised sits helplessly disabled.

      Suddenly, alarms begin to blare as a squad of human Bounty Hunters enter the system.... The Mighty Yellow Penis cuts the tractor beam and immedeately cloaks. Buba can feel shockwave as Flatulence jumps out of the system. One can only be left to wonder what Flatty was up to......

      "Free your mind"
      | AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence | (url="http://" &default;=8")Search(/url), inc | (url="http://"")Don't Click Here(/url) |

    • Eventuly Buba and his crew fix the power and limp back to the Azdgari system. When he gets there there is a giant burst of light and many thousands of yellow streaks jumping out of the system, one of them broadcasting "HAHAHAHAHA!" "Oh no!" Thought Buba. "I'll bet that was Flatulence. And that flash looked like what happend when..." Buba's voice trailed off. Buba flew his ship closer to where the flash came from and saw that the entire system was a astroid belt. "Flatulence must have used the SPD device to destroy all the Azdgari ships in the system and then call in the Igazdra fleet to destroy the planets. I have to report this somewhere." He quickly jumped to the Kade system. "Requesting landing permision." Buba transmited. "Allowed. Do you know what happend to the Azdgari system? They were sending orders to us and suddenly the transmition cut off." "I know what happend but I can't discuss this over an open com channel." "Come to the station commander's office as soon as you land. This station needs to know what happend as soon as posseble.

      The Person who joins the United Earth Dictatorship knows not true might and he knows not true enlightenment.

      My objective is to live forever. So far so good.
      Books of the new millennia:Left Behind, Tribulaton Force, Nicolae, Soul Harvest, Apollyon, Assassins, The Indwelling, The Mark.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
      **Eventuly Buba and his crew fix the power and limp back to the Azdgari system. When he gets there there is a giant burst of light and many thousands of yellow streaks jumping out of the system, one of them broadcasting "HAHAHAHAHA!" "Oh no!" Thought Buba. "I'll bet that was Flatulence. And that flash looked like what happend when..." Buba's voice trailed off. Buba flew his ship closer to where the flash came from and saw that the entire system was a astroid belt. "Flatulence must have used the SPD device to destroy all the Azdgari ships in the system and then call in the Igazdra fleet to destroy the planets. I have to report this somewhere." He quickly jumped to the Kade system. "Requesting landing permision." Buba transmited. "Allowed. Do you know what happend to the Azdgari system? They were sending orders to us and suddenly the transmition cut off." "I know what happend but I can't discuss this over an open com channel." "Come to the station commander's office as soon as you land. This station needs to know what happend as soon as posseble.

      What about the human Bounty Hunters?
