I suggest that you're using a plug-in. I don't like to have to say that, but it's
the only thing I can think of.
Otherwise, well... Have you been hacking the data files? If so you may need to
re-download EVO.
Also, although standard EVO or EV don't do this, you can set a launcher to work
normally but that when you sell it gives you less or no space. This way, you can
say "this fighter packs all this firepower by having specially shaped launchers"
which would result in less space taken, and less space gained.
This is actually a very important thing to remember, so hello Ambrosia, putting
it in Nova might help!
When you have a fighter (Lightning) with three more fighters (Hawks) inside it
really doesn't make it fair.
Fun though.
Don't play with changing names:
Esponer - 130 posts
Paladin - Nearly 100 posts
Sylver - 1 post