Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Reign of Chaos - New RPG

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      A new RPG by Esponer, any advice will be taken.

      The Miranu investigated with breaking through the strangely coincidental barrier which seperated the peoples of EVO from the rest of the universe.

      The results were disatrous. A warp was created successfully, but it remained stable only for a few secoonds......

      Out of which came a handful of the Odine............

      With very few ships, but great advancement. 1 Odine fighter can match a normal warship, and 1 Odine warship ten Igazras or Voinian Cruisers. They start with 20 warships, 30 frigates, and 40 fighters. Near alliance with Azdgari.

      Formed from the UE and Miranu, with help from the Zidagar, the I.A were the great force of the galaxy, keeping the peace. This strategy failed, as the IA betrayed their creators and now, with powerful ships merged from three peoples, they fight against everybody. Stationed between the Miranu and the UE. Near alliance wth Voinian, They have nearly as many ships as UE.

      Miranu have more ships - new techs include quick hyperspace, magnetic mines, etc.
      Cloaking devices are galaxy wide. Cloak detectors must be researched.
      Azdgari , Zidagar many more ships. Nearly as many as Igadzra.

      AZDGARI - ODINE < nearly
      VOINIAN - IA - IGADZRA < nearly, Igadzra could side any way

      UE TAKEN
      Zidagar TAKEN
      Azdgari TAKEN
      Odine TAKEN
      Voinian TAKEN

      Please, we need more people. We at least need a Miranu (don't worry, the Miranu are
      much stronger) and Igadzra. IA doesn't matter much, but without Miranu and Igadzra the
      only strong side is the Odine and the Azdgari. The Voinians cannot match them, nor can
      the UE - Zidagar alliance

      Draw the line with fire,
      Cross it with ice,
      Banish the fiery sun,
      And bring on the silent moon.

      (This message has been edited by Esponer (edited 03-23-2001).)

    • So, were can this RPG be found?

      You're just jealous that the voices talk to me. **
      (url="http://"")Catacomb's Alt. EV Boards(/url)
      (url="http://"")#EV3 QUOTE ARCHIVE (/url)**

    • Is Red Tide an RPG or not???

      If it isn't, then this is the same. It goes on here

      I don't know it it's allowed, but it will hopefully be the same as Red Tide in the way it works.

      Draw the line with fire,
      Cross it with ice,
      Banish the fiery sun,
      And bring on the silent moon.

    • I claim the Kayians, Unobot, and Duios.

      (Lies are in your head.)

    • Can I have the Zidgar?

      If you know what Pern is go to
      If you know what Harvest moon is go to

    • I claim Voinians.

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

    • The Azdgari are mine. Prepare for chaos.

      Is the answer to this question 'no'?
      Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

    • I'd like to see how this turns out. I hope you won't mind if i monitor it to draft worthy authors for the EVEA board. The Shakra Uprising still needs players. Email me if interested, or see the board:

      Read about the current Shakra Uprising statistics:
      (click webstories)

      Thanks for your time, good luck and blessings from the master.

      It is not fear that will destroy you, but the absence of it.

    • A question: What kind of weapons do the Odine have? Do they rip through shields but suck on armor (like the strands)? Or is it the opposite? Or do they do a lot of damage to both?

      Also: I will not be able to be here Thursday, Friday, and every other Saturday. I would like to have a second-in-command, who among other things would be the acting leader on those days.

      "...Until next time, take care of yourselves, and each other." Jerry Springer

    • I'll take the Odine. Here's some information on the Odine's weapons:

      Ion Cannon/Turret: The Odine primary weapon. It fires at about the rate and accuracy of a Phase Cannon, but longer range. Damage to shields and armor is equal, does slightly more damage than a Phase Cannon.

      Dark Shrapnel Launcher: This weapon fires rapid, guided bursts of Dark Matter at enemy ships. This matter, or "Dark Shrapnel," passes through shields unaffected, and deals good damage to enemy armor.

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • Message to Samurai
      <hello newcomer. I welcome you to our universe. I wish to form an alliance. Please respond>

      Is the answer to this question 'no'?
      Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

    • <Message to Arada Pilot, Lord of the Azdgari, from Samurai, esteemed leader of the Grand Odine Directorate.>
      <Encryption level 9: confirmed>
      Greetings, strange and hospitable species. We have learned that you are the Azdgari, currently at war with the Zidagar and Igadzra. An alliance with you would help us to gain a foothold in this strange new galaxy. We accept your offer of an alliance.
      <End Message>

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • Message to samurai, encrypted
      <Thank you. You will be met by our diplomats. Please send some of your own to our base in Meagh. It is safe there.>

      Is the answer to this question 'no'?
      Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

    • Since the Odine's numbers are limited, it is a small group of about 200 Odine that meet with the Azdgari diplomats on Meagh.

      "Greetings, noble Odine. We hope this alliance can prove satisfactory for both our races."
      "Greetings, noble Azdgari. Though our number be few, our ships and technology are quite powerful and can be crewed by only a small group of Odine. We are an ancient race, brought to this galaxy by a small wrinkle in the fabric of space."
      "You will be always be welcome on Azdgari planets."

      Here's some information on the Odine ships.

      The Odine Fighter: A small, fast, and maneuverable craft, armed with powerful Ion cannons. All Odine vessels have the ability to cloak, welding into the darkness of space. Its shields recharge quickly, though not as fast as an Azdara's, and it is remarkably tough for a ship of its size.

      The Odine Destroyer: A medium sized Odine war vessel, the Destroyer is equipped with three Ion turrets and a Dark Shrapnel launcher. The same as all Odine, it can cloak. Strong shields and armor, with a rather quick recharge rate. Overall a prime fighting vessel, usually a match for warships of other Govts.

      The Odine Battlecruiser: An Incredibly powerful warship, this mighty vessel carries five Ion turrets, can cloak, 2 Dark Shrapnel Launchers, and amazingly strong shields and armor. ALso holds a bay which deploys five Odine Fighters in rapid succession.

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • diplomatic relations
      <perhaps we can combine our technologies? You have good weapons, and we have fast shps and incredible shield regen. I propose we invest in a program to combine these.>

      Is the answer to this question 'no'?
      Chaos to the enemies of the Azdgari

    • <Message to Arada Pilot><Source: Samurai> <Encrypted>
      Yes, such a project would doubtlessly have good results. However, the only weapons we have are the ones that we had on our ships, and we are unable to make new ones without Ulbrium Carbonite. If we could only discover some Ulbrium Carbonite in this galaxy, we could produce more Ion weapons, and even Tachyonic Lasers. Tachyonic Lasers are formidable energy weapons, that deal heavy damage and hold a ship motionless. We unfortunately didn't have any on our ships when we left our own galaxy. We would, however, need Ulbrium Carbonite to make the Laser's power cells. We ask that you would assist us in finding this substance. We have attached to this message the energy frequency that UC gives off. If you require any military assistance, please let us know.
      <End message>

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • I send a small fleet to scour the galaxy for this mysterious substance.

    • This game is getting on well, but I have decided that I started it badly. Samurai is capable of taking it further - I quit for the moment.

      Sorry, but I need to get some things sorted out first

      Draw the line with fire,
      Cross it with ice,
      Banish the fiery sun,
      And bring on the silent moon.

    • Uh... so do you want me to be in charge?

      Macintosh for productivity, Linux for development, Palm for mobility, and Windows for Solitaire.

    • I'll be an independant Pilot.

      Never stays in one place long, so hard to contact, but excellent at assasinating and bounty hunting. also good at infiltration, but no hacking skills..

      I start with 8M creds and my ship, which is a CW, only extremely maneuverable, and with twenty fuel scoops. Armed with 8 ion turrets, no fighter bay, AND ONE SHRAPNEL LAUNCHER IF ITS ALLOWED.

      The difference in
      insantiy and ingenious is
      measured just by success.