Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
**I think there should be a library somewhere.
It could have books like The Complete Bushisims, Inside Macintosh: Macintosh Toolbox Essentials, and The Hobbit.
Ferazel could read a few pages of each.
Also, I think some things (not nesasarily in the Library) should be written in another language, and if Ferazel has a translation book (or gem, wand, crystal...) then he can read them.
Otherwise, hell just see something like jkf iubnsw grnbsoome mfoiasd tlntoun.
Another thing:
In Captin Crowleys mines, I plan on having Ferazel get lots on gold.
Maybe we should have the blacksmith charge Ferazel a lot of money.
All good ideas! I think that we shouldn't use computers too much more than in the original. ( But iMacs are fine!
OK, aschaaf, I sent you another e-mail, this time with the attachments 
By the way, my name is Andrew like yours, my dad's name is Alan.
Wait till you guys see the secret passage put in Misunderestimation! Always remember, that spring block has to have some meaning... (hint hint) C'mon, hasn't anybody else discovered this bug? (hint hint) Uh-oh. A scary thought occured. What if the bug is fixed in later versions? Well, then my level is VERY hard. 
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask