I have heard the term "Monty Python" used to refer to a particular attack pattern, someone please explain to me what that is,
Originally posted by Admiral:
**I have heard the term "Monty Python" used to refer to a particular attack pattern, someone please explain to me what that is,
As I found out recently, the "Mounty Python" is used to describe the method of running from your enemy at the same speed as their ship, while shooting at them and staying out of their weapon's range. In the movie "Monty Python," (which I haven't seen) I was told the battlecry was "Run away, run away!" In so doing, like in EVO, you can beat your enemy while receiving little, if any damage.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
You haven't seen Monty Python's 'Search for the Holy Grail'??? Damn that was a funny movie. I especially like the part where they're behind a rock, in front of a cave, and at the mouth of a cave are scattered bones and things of the like, and a little white bunny. So, they rush and attack the bunny AND THE BUNNY JUMPS ON ONE OF THE SOLDIERS AND COMPLETELY DEVOURS HIM!!! Then King Arthur shouts 'Run away! Run away!' Ah but I'm getting off point. The monty python move is where you stay right in front of the enemy, staying just out of range of their primary weapons, while bombarding them with your primary weapons.
I'm the captain of a mercenary fleet, which has a very good deal of versitality. The ships include: A Voinian Cruiser (my own ship), a CW, and the capitol ships of each of the three Strands; a Zidara, and Igazra, and an Azdgari Warship.
Most quotable movie ever..
"She turned me into a newt."
"A newt?"
"I got better."
Renegade Infestation?
Meet me in the bar.
Originally posted by ESPilot:
**You haven't seen Monty Python's 'Search for the Holy Grail'??? Damn that was a funny movie. I especially like the part where they're behind a rock, in front of a cave, and at the mouth of a cave are scattered bones and things of the like, and a little white bunny. So, they rush and attack the bunny AND THE BUNNY JUMPS ON ONE OF THE SOLDIERS AND COMPLETELY DEVOURS HIM!!! Then King Arthur shouts 'Run away! Run away!' Ah but I'm getting off point. The monty python move is where you stay right in front of the enemy, staying just out of range of their primary weapons, while bombarding them with your primary weapons.
Nope, I've never seen any of the Monty Python movies...It was recommended to me not to watch them. Sounds funny from what I've heard, though. The Monty Python menuver sounds so courageous and brave...running from your enemy.
It works, though.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
And there is the perfect plug-in for pulling the Monty Python maneuver, its called The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. Fo those of you who don't know what it is here's and exerpt from the movie:
"Book of Armaments; chapter two, verses nine through 21: And St. Attila raised his Holy Hand Grenade on high saying, "Oh Lord please bless this thine Holy Hand Grenade that it may blow thine enemies into tiny bits in thy mercy." And the Lord did grin and the people feasted upon the sloths and anchovies and orange-utans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and . . . And the Lord spake saying "First thou shalt take out the Holy Pin, then thou shalt count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count and the number of the counting shall be three. Four thou shalt not count neither shalt thou count two unless thou directly procedest to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number be reached, thou shalt throw the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thine foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it." "
This was read by a monk acompanying Brother Maynard in the Holy Grail movie. Arthur then the following dialogue takes place,
Arthur: "One, Two, Five!"
Bedevere: "Three Sire!"
Arthur: "Three!"
Arthur then throws the Holy Hand Grenade of Antich at the killer rabbit who is then blown to tiny bits in His mercy. Hope that explains the theory why the "run away" thing works, b/c then you've gotta use your long range primary weapons to hit thine foe, and snuff him!
-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-Star Wars and EVO
Hehe...Pretty good, Jedi. The Monty Python makes more sense now.
~Cap'n Skyblade
Originally posted by ESPilot:
**You haven't seen Monty Python's 'Search for the Holy Grail'??? Damn that was a funny movie. I especially like the part where they're behind a rock, in front of a cave, and at the mouth of a cave are scattered bones and things of the like, and a little white bunny. So, they rush and attack the bunny AND THE BUNNY JUMPS ON ONE OF THE SOLDIERS AND COMPLETELY DEVOURS HIM!!! Then King Arthur shouts 'Run away! Run away!' Ah but I'm getting off point. The monty python move is where you stay right in front of the enemy, staying just out of range of their primary weapons, while bombarding them with your primary weapons.
Yes, that is where it is from. And it works too. you just have to go the same speed and be sure to have a clear shot. Also stay away from edges.
Are you gonna tell him that's a boy cow?
Naw, he'll figure it out.
The Monty Python maneuver works especially well on Igadzra Igazras. Just make sure you're going about the same speed, turn your turrets or guns towards it, and fire away! It can't hit you, but you can hit it. Works quite well when trying to dominate Igadzra worlds.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ev/chronicles.html")EV Chronicles(/url).
Originally posted by kiwi_a2:
**I ahve only seen Life of Brian(monty python movie) but it is as funny as hell
"Look on the bright side of life"
Harry Rules!
Why is phonics not spelled the way it sounds?
Great game, gotta check it out!(url="http://"http://pub29.ezboard.com/b20")--20--(/url)
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**The Monty Python maneuver works especially well on Igadzra Igazras. Just make sure you're going about the same speed, turn your turrets or guns towards it, and fire away! It can't hit you, but you can hit it. Works quite well when trying to dominate Igadzra worlds.
Igadzra Igadzras? They are pretty easy to Monty Python, but getting in a duel with one is suicide. In the years I've owned Override, I've only seen two Igadzras get destroyed.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Yes, but whats worst is if you have a whole swarm of Kraits (those little renegade fighters). They're like TIE fighters: have enough of them and it doesn't matter how weak they are, you can't kill 'em fast enough to survive . . . That is, unless, you have mucho guns, you have a high turn rate, and the guns have a high fire rate. Then you just keep spinning while firing your guns. That little trick DOES NOT work with turrets, b/c as any experienced player should know, turrets don't fire unless you have a target, and with a big Krait swarm you don't have enough time to individual Krait. With Igadrazs (or however you spell them), use long range, high power missles and make sure you can run away really fast while firing your missles. But then again, the Monty Python maneuver is the best idea for fighting ships like those (as several others have already stated).
-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-Star Wars and EVO
Originally posted by JediBrass:
**Yes, but whats worst is if you have a whole swarm of Kraits (those little renegade fighters). They're like TIE fighters: have enough of them and it doesn't matter how weak they are, you can't kill 'em fast enough to survive . . . That is, unless, you have mucho guns, you have a high turn rate, and the guns have a high fire rate. Then you just keep spinning while firing your guns. That little trick DOES NOT work with turrets, b/c as any experienced player should know, turrets don't fire unless you have a target, and with a big Krait swarm you don't have enough time to individual Krait. With Igadrazs (or however you spell them), use long range, high power missles and make sure you can run away really fast while firing your missles. But then again, the Monty Python maneuver is the best idea for fighting ships like those (as several others have already stated).:D
Uh-huh, and the same goes for the Azdaras...They are so fast, they are pointless to Monty Python, and their firepower eats you alive. I try to avoid the Azdgari, and get a ship (like an Arada) that has the speed to outrun kraits, and perform the Monty Python.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Originally posted by JediBrass:
**That little trick DOES NOT work with turrets, b/c as any experienced player should know, turrets don't fire unless you have a target, and with a big Krait swarm you don't have enough time to individual Krait.
Actually, it does work. If you hit "R", your target will become the closest hostile ship.
Originally posted by Blackdog:
Actually, it does work. If you hit "R", your target will become the closest hostile ship.
That's exactly what I do. Hit "R" as fast as you can, over and over, and those pesky kraits will all begin to fly off in flames.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Originally posted by Blackdog:
Actually, it does work. If you hit "R", your target will become the closest hostile ship.
Right, but if you have a big swarm, its pointless because then you'd concentrate all your turret fire on one ship, and if there's, oh say, 5 Kriats all over you, then you don't have time to individually rip out their guts with Blaze turrets (the impact factor is the only thing that makes them useful, I prefere using neutron guns and turrets when the become available on Paaren Station) or whatever turret weapon you're using. And Azdaras are beatable through use of the Monty Python, ever hear of Pursiut missles. Now those things are fast and deadly, just launch a salvo at an Azdara and the combined impact of about 3 to 5 Pursuit missles will rip them to shreds, or just have a UE Cruiser and blast thier arses with a barrage of Blaze fire, that is, if you can turn to face them directly. But I still prefer using Pursuit Missles on those pesky Azdaras.
Say . . . lets take a poll on what are the most annoying, but deadly foes in EVO, and then we can see how less of a threat these enemies are when attacked using the Monty Python. Its just a suggestion.
-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-Star Wars and EVO
(This message has been edited by JediBrass (edited 03-03-2001).)
Originally posted by JediBrass:
**Right, but if you have a big swarm, its pointless because then you'd concentrate all your turret fire on one ship, and if there's, oh say, 5 Kriats all over you, then you don't have time to individually rip out their guts with Blaze turrets (the impact factor is the only thing that makes them useful, I prefere using neutron guns and turrets when the become available on Paaren Station) or whatever turret weapon you're using. And Azdaras are beatable through use of the Monty Python, ever hear of Pursiut missles. Now those things are fast and deadly, just launch a salvo at an Azdara and the combined impact of about 3 to 5 Pursuit missles will rip them to shreds, or just have a UE Cruiser and blast thier arses with a barrage of Blaze fire, that is, if you can turn to face them directly. But I still prefer using Pursuit Missles on those pesky Azdaras.:D
Say . . . lets take a poll on what are the most annoying, but deadly foes in EVO, and then we can see how less of a threat these enemies are when attacked using the Monty Python. Its just a suggestion.
Well even when you are being swarmed, hitting the "R" key will still give all the fighters some damage. If you don't perfer that idea, just hit "R" while the fighters are coming, continue to shoot at him till he's destroyed, then hit "R" again to take out the next fighter.
~Captain Skyblade
Visit my EVO website! (url="http://"http://artworks.tmgmedia.net")http://artworks.tmgmedia.net(/url)
Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Well even when you are being swarmed, hitting the "R" key will still give all the fighters some damage. If you don't perfer that idea, just hit "R" while the fighters are coming, continue to shoot at him till he's destroyed, then hit "R" again to take out the next fighter.
Hmm . . . Thats a good idea, I never thought of it from that angle. Or, there's something I used to do a while back, which was to try and quickly target the furthest enemy figher back in a swarm coming to me. I'd then let him have it with my energy weapons and rockets. The swarm would take hits meant for the back fighter and by the time I got to that fighter, most of the others would be vape bait. Come to think of it, I haven't done that little trick since my days of playing EV before I even heard the name EVO. And it was while I was playing the Star Wars Special edition Plug, it worked especially well against TIE's but of course they didn't carry missles and they didn't have shields like Kriats do, so one could afford to target each on individually and still stay alive, unless a Star Destroyer was really close, then you'd either die or live by leading the TIE's into the ISD's massive laser barrage. Boy . . . those were the innocent days.
-author of "Dragerron"
-OotS member
-Star Wars and EVO