Originally posted by FreakOfNature:
**I think a mission guide could be a very useful resource if it were implemented carefully. It should make it possible for the user to search for a limited piece of information (such as "Where do I pick up mission X?" or "Do I need to destroy that ship, or disable and board it?") without inadvertently coming across other spoilers.
Ah, that's a good idea. I think I'll set it up like basic a "offline" web page. Nothing fancy, quick download. I'll try and work on it when I get the time. Shouldn't be too challanging. Thanks for the offers, but I won't need any help. It would be easier to do it myself probably.
As for the cheaters who abuse it, they will only be hurting themselves and they'll cheat anyways. Too bad I can't set it up as a program that requires and EVO registration code, that would help weed out some of the newbies and cheaters 
Any people that are less powerful than their government are slaves.