Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New Bold Experiment!!!!!!!!!

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      If any of you have read my posts or replies then you know that I am obsessed with working for all three strands, the Voinians, and the UE on the same pilot without using the triple agent plug. This is because that plug is a cheat. I have been able to accomplish 2 strands the voinians and the UE on a single pilot. I have been able to side with the Zidagar and the Igadzra in one pilot and the Igadzra and the Azdgari in another pilot. I was able to complete each strands central objective thus completing 4 for each of my pilots. To accomplish this, I accepted a strands recruitment mission then accepted another and finished the two before their time limits ran out. This is important.... You can accept strand recruitment missions as long as you do not finish one. I have been going on this previous premis and now I think I might have been wrong. Maybe you can accept a srand recruitment mission as long as you have one unfinished. The reason I wrote the post is because I am now caught away from my mac yet again. I am asking anyone out there who wants to help me to solve a question to read on. I need you to buy a one jump ship. M. courier or an Arada. Accept the Igadzra recruitment mission on kitrak. Next fly to Pozdag3 and accept the zidagar recruitment mission to defend the planet. Next, defend the planet and land. This will finish the Zidagar recruitment mission. Next fly to south tip station and see if you can accept the azdgari recruitment mission. I am theorizing that you can. If you can, it becomes a question of fuel economy to finish the Igadzra mission next and then the azdgari. During this entire run (all three missions) do not stop for fuel. Also take what you think to be the shortest route. Thank you for reading this post and continue to check out this post to see how others are doing. Please forgive any misspellings and thanks for your help.


      Why are there no maroon ships?

    • Personally I haven't been able to get that to work in the past couple years. Perhaps somebody else will spend more time on it and find the one route that'll do it. I've tried it numerous ways, but I doubt I've tried every single one.

      The most I've been able to do in the past are the same things you've done.

      The never duplicated
      Never capitalized
      And always puce:

    • Forge can you try the route in my original post. That is one I just thought of and I can not try because I am away from my computer.

    • I tryed it, you miss the Igazra mission in the end with three days or so.


      (This message has been edited by Opalius (edited 02-04-2001).)

    • This message is to Opalius. Were you able to accept all three mission string recruitment missions? If so please reply back and tell me exactly how the trip went. Maybebe we can save some fuel. What ship did you use out of curiosity? Thanks for trying also.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jubee on diff com:
      This message is to Opalius. Were you able to accept all three mission string recruitment missions? If so please reply back and tell me exactly how the trip went. Maybebe we can save some fuel. What ship did you use out of curiosity? Thanks for trying also.

      It is long time since i did it, but i got all three starting missions, but i couldn´t complete the Igazra in time. I needed three jumps. I had the whole universe map, so i´m sure i took the fastest route. It´s not possible onless you cheat


    • Thank you for your input Opalius. Did you get all three like I mentioned in the original post or did you use a differnt technique? I am using EVO 1.0.1. if that info helps. Also your post at least makes it seem that there is some hope. I mean 3 jumps really is not all that far. Maybe somebody can work that out. You never know.

    • I don't think your plan would work, jubee. I've never tried it myself, but thinking about it from a technical standpoint helps. When you complete one of the initiation missions, a specific bit is set (as opposed to clear). For all of the initiation missions, you must have that bit clear in order to have it available. Since the bit is set immediately on completion of the mission, I really don't think it's possible. But you never know.


    • If all else fails you may be able to use Ace to set the date back 3-4 days, if you are religiously against cheating than never mind, but it is an idea. 😉

      My Day Will Come.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by wes:
      **I don't think your plan would work, jubee. I've never tried it myself, but thinking about it from a technical standpoint helps. When you complete one of the initiation missions, a specific bit is set (as opposed to clear). For all of the initiation missions, you must have that bit clear in order to have it available. Since the bit is set immediately on completion of the mission, I really don't think it's possible. But you never know.


      It is possible, to a certain point. First you go to Kitrak, pick up the Igazra mission, then you go to Pozdaq3, fight the renegades and you get a message about meeting up at Zidagar, then you continue to Southpoint where you get the Azdgari mission. You get the cargo from the ship, deliver it to, uhmm, whatever the planet is called. You fly to Igazra, bu there you miss the deadline with three days. So the bit does´nt do anything


    • So jubee was right? I would have thought the bit would activate at the end of the zidagar mission, when they tell you to go to Zidagar. That's a step closer, than. Like jubee said, it's possible you may be able to make up those 3 days.


    • Opalius I can shave off your three days. After you get to South tip station deliver the Igadzra cargo first. Then complete the Azdgardi string. This is how I used to do those two strands without the Zidagar. You should be able to deliver the Azdgari cargo with 2 days left. Opalius I hope you get this and try it out. Wes give it a try also.

      Why are there no maroon ships?

    • If you work for Voinians you can work for all the major governments. This means that all 5 central objectives can be finished. When Opalius or Wes replies I want to talk about the order in which to complete all 5 Central objectives. The strand missions have to be done in a certain order. If all this works I guess it would make the triple agent plug pretty useless. Just a thought.

      Why are there no maroon ships?

    • Replied 🙂


    • Well the Azdgari would definitely need to be done last, as the completion of their missions results in Outpost Terapin being destroyed, which would make a lot of the Zidagar missions impossible. Just how would the game handle that :)?


    • Wow that was quick. I was just off for about 30 minutes and was checking back just checking back before I crached for the night. Anyway I would first work for the Voinians as this will not cause any conflicts because of planet destroying. Next work with the Azdgari. In the final mission with the enhanced ships do not complete because you will destroy Terapin Station. Stop there. Next begin on the Igadzra and complete all the way up to the raid on Duidir I believe that is the name. It is an Azdgari planet a couple jumps from Mark. Complete that mission and then go one to the Zidagar. Finish all the Zidagar missions and their Central objective. Next finish the Azdgari final mission thus completing that central objective. Then complete the Igadzra missons and their central objective. Finally finish the nebula exploration and finally the UE central objective. FYI there is a mission after the systems upgrade for the Zidagar that will only let you
      finish with a ship that has 2 day jumps or less. It can not be done in a UE Cruiser. I would suggest the Igazra or the En. Azgari Arada to complete all central objectives. My fav. would be the En Azdgari Arada. It has the fastest recharge rate in the game when it has the shield generator. It is faster than the azdara+shield generator+exp. shield generator. I actually used a stop watch to find out. Make sure to put dospect on that ship if you use it. You can upgrade as you wish and have fun. Reply to this post to let me know about any progress or the type of ship you are using. Thanks.

      Why are there no maroon ships?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jubee on diff com:
      This message is to Opalius. Were you able to accept all three mission string recruitment missions? If so please reply back and tell me exactly how the trip went. Maybebe we can save some fuel. What ship did you use out of curiosity? Thanks for trying also.

      Mind if I put my big Voinian nose in?

      If the problem truly is fuel, wouldn't you just have to board a few enemy vessels? Or does boarding take time? I didn't think flight time contributed to journey time, so why not fuel scoops? Finally - would you consider the use of a fuel pod from the F25 plug, or would that be bending the rules of the challenge?

      I'm sorry my karma ran over your dogma.(url="http://"")Please visit Cerberus Station!(/url)
      I got this .sig file at - don't even think about taunting me!

    • i am surprised no one has cracked open res-edit and looked at the completion times for the strand missions. first of all, each strand recruitment mission requires misn bit 9 to be clear, and sets it on completion. so once you've finished the first of any strand mission, you can never start with another strand without triple agent.

      second, it's clear from the time requirements that it is impossible to get and complete all three. i believe this was a deliberate choice. two at once are possible, perhaps because the designers expected that players working for the i. or the z. to have larger ships with longer jumps.

      but don't take my word for any of this. go look at the misn's in res-edit.

      coming soon: (url="http://"")War Without End(/url), a continuation of the Strand saga

    • Opalius has from experience and apparently yesterday accepted all three recruitment missions. He came up 3 days short on the Igadzra mission. I gave him a new path to take and since he replied he apparently got all three and completed them. Translation, he can now work for all three strands. If I am wrong on this assumption I hope Opalius will correct me.

    • To Voinian Ambassador.
      Fuel was not the problem, time was. We now have that worked out.

      To Astro.
      I agree on your re edit analysis and the whole point was to see if you had a strand recruitment mission open and you had one completed would there be a conflict. I looks like there is.