Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • And the best ship is...?

      To anyone who does not know me, I really like to send topics that create some interesting dialogue, just like the one titled "Which is better, confeds or Rebels" in the original EV forum. Here, please choose your favorite ship in EVO, and as always give some reasons for this choice. If anyone wants to include plug ships, then he should post another topic.

      Always loyal
      to the Confederation

    • Bozorg wrote:
      **To anyone who does not know me, I really like to send topics that create some interesting dialogue, just like the one titled "Which is better, confeds or Rebels" in the original EV forum. Here, please choose your favorite ship in EVO, and as always give some reasons for this choice. If anyone wants to include plug ships, then he should post another topic.

      No offense, but this is a recurring question, in fact it came up not long ago. The chances of interesting dialogue are genuinely remote. Of course, it could be claimed that I'm only encouraging it so I might as well put in my 2 cents anyway (and I haven't contributed to this burning issue for at least six months so it's about time to repeat myself :)).

      They're all different. They're all (in their own ways) good. Yes, even the laughingly humble Krait has its appeal for those of a masochistic bent (IMHO, anyway). My personal favourite is the Azdara yum. Though at the moment I'm getting my head round the Voinian Frigate, awesome in the Crescent, and not half bad anywhere else.

      Hmmm, apologies for having bored anyone, you didn't have to read it :D.


    • Arghhhh, not again! Oh well, I'll just say that I like the Igazra more. There's about 15 tons more space than the UE Cruiser. It is also faster, and has 1,400 defence points more (200,000 more shields, but 600 less armor).

      Micah L.
      (url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
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      (url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
      ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

    • Bozorg wrote:
      **To anyone who does not know me, I really like to send topics that create some interesting dialogue, just like the one titled "Which is better, confeds or Rebels" in the original EV forum. Here, please choose your favorite ship in EVO, and as always give some reasons for this choice. If anyone wants to include plug ships, then he should post another topic.


      I THINK THE CRESENT WARSHIP IS THE BEST BECUASE WHEN SETUP RIGHT YOU GET A VERY FAST WARSHIP CLASS SHIP. The first thing i do is take out the fighter bay, it takes a lot of room but doesnt do much. after that just hop up the engines and put your favorite stuff in it. the only ships you cant go head to head with are the vionan cruiser and the igzardi warship, but you can still take them with the help of the extra speed!

    • Oh, the Zidara.

      Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

      (url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


    • I agree with the guy two spots above me, Use the Cresent Warship, take out the engines, bla,bla,bla.... and it is a really good ship. I use it as a renagade hunting vessel because, if you upgrade the shield regenerating speed, and shield capasity, it then has an edge over any renagade or one of... well you know the strand with an A- in the beginning... Warship. GOOD MONEY!!!!


    • For our purposes currently, I believe the UE Cruiser is the best because of its slightly large armament than most ships of its size and besides, it looks like a precursor to the Rebel Cruiser...

      Live long and perspire,
      --Marcus B.
      The Monkey

    • yourmonkey wrote:
      **For our purposes currently, I believe the UE Cruiser is the best because of its slightly large armament than most ships of its size and besides, it looks like a precursor to the Rebel Cruiser...


      Come on yourmonkey, donΒ΄t start like that Cotton Mouse back there in the EV Light Capital Ships Survey. I say this for the sake of good entertainment. :frown:

      My favorite ship is the Iagdzra Igazra (i hope i got that one right).

    • yourmonkey...

      Who would you be talking to, me (Omega X) or Crep?


      about the "to your purposes" part

      (This message has been edited by Omega X (edited 02-01-2000).)

    • Word of the hour: "Nnnnng". Expect a few dozen uses in this post.

      Nnnngg... Hell in that handbasket of cellophane.

      There is no 'best' ship. There are GOOD ships, but really, it's a matter of skill. To an extent, any ship can take out any ship. It's just a matter of patience.

      Personally, I like a number of ships, which one I use depends mostly on mood, target, reigon and cashflow.

      #declare normal_upgrades IFF, Density scanner, fuel tank(s), fuel scoop(s), afterburn

      Late Game, Vs humans/human rengs: Azdara with normal_upgrades and an armament of Swiv Phase.

      Early Game, vs anything: UE Destroyer, normal_upgrades, nuetron Turrets, maybe rockets.

      Early game, for fun vs most things: UE Fighter, normal_upgrades, random weapons.

      Just plain fun: Cresent Fighter, normal_upgrades - fuel scoop, space mine layer and some mines.

      For this one, fly away from the target, then charge at top speed. when you see the target on the main screen, drop a mine and burn space dust.


      For fun, do this but run away, and get a group of fighters on you. They tend to make the most satasfying crunch.


      Intel Inside: The worlds most commonly used warning label

    • Skunko7 wrote:
      **Word of the hour: "Nnnnng". Expect a few dozen uses in this post.

      Nnnngg... Hell in that handbasket of cellophane.

      There is no 'best' ship. There are GOOD ships, but really, it's a matter of skill. To an extent, any ship can take out any ship. It's just a matter of patience.

      Personally, I like a number of ships, which one I use depends mostly on mood, target, reigon and cashflow.

      #declare normal_upgrades IFF, Density scanner, fuel tank(s), fuel scoop(s), afterburn

      Late Game, Vs humans/human rengs: Azdara with normal_upgrades and an armament of Swiv Phase.

      Early Game, vs anything: UE Destroyer, normal_upgrades, nuetron Turrets, maybe rockets.

      Early game, for fun vs most things: UE Fighter, normal_upgrades, random weapons.

      Just plain fun: Cresent Fighter, normal_upgrades - fuel scoop, space mine layer and some mines.

      For this one, fly away from the target, then charge at top speed. when you see the target on the main screen, drop a mine and burn space dust.


      For fun, do this but run away, and get a group of fighters on you. They tend to make the most satasfying crunch.



      Skunko you're back, yaay.


    • Black is back..

      And, I'm as back as black is white.

      And more confused than a ferret watching a modem rack.


      There is no limit to what someone can do, as long as they do not mind not getting the credit.

    • There is only one ship, and it happens to be my personal ship of choice. That is the Miranu Gunship. It's fast, armored, already powerful, and with the right outfits, i have beaten the dreadnought mission. It rocks beyond rocks and trust me, (ahem ahem) with a pilot like myself (lol) i have of course mastered it. πŸ™‚

      ' Ace Battlepilot

      Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!

    • I enjoy using the Igazra and the Azdara (Dospect Armor+Enhanced Generator = near invincible) the most, but I've also had fun with Crescent Warships, Laziras, Aradas, and UE Cruisers.

      IMO, the Voinian Cruiser is too slow and unmaneuverable to be any fun to pilot. THey make pretty good escorts, but are a pain to fly. The Zidara disappointed me; it seems almost like a downgraded Lazira to me.

      My 2 cents on an old question...


      PS: The very best ship is my very own Central Confederate Carrier! πŸ™‚


    • That depends on how you want to fight a battle. If you want to use a ton of force and overwhealm an oppenant through sheer power, the UE Cruiser is an ideal choice (its what I go with a lot of the time). Its got great power for attacking up close with a combination of your choice turret and rockets, although I like to ditch the hunter missiles in favor of something else like pursuit missiles or SAD's. Also, the UE Fighter bay is the one of the few bays that are actually worth having, the other being the Azdara bay. You'd be surprised how much damage 5 UE Fighters can do against a warship if they attack together, I was able to take down over 60% of a Crescent Warships sields because I used my fighters well.

      If you are the kind of person who loves using speed and "stick and move" tactics against your enemies, the Zidara is bar none the best ship you can get because of its firepower and great speed. The Zidara used to be my favorite Crescent ship until the 1.0.1 beam bug came along, but 1.0.2 comes out (C'MON, finish it already!) it will probably become my favorite Crescent ship again. Oddly enough, I enjoy flying Aradas quite a bit. I have lots and lots of fun flying around those nimble little Aradas, and figuring out ways to turn it into a killing machine. πŸ˜„

      Actually, I do have a kick-butt Arada configuration, if anyone out there wants to know what it is.

      UE Crusader


    • Sure, UEC. If anyone else would like to, a little story about the pilot, featuring his current mission compleation status, ect, ship, picture of his outfits and ship specs (General and Extras, in the person window), plus a copy of the file I'd love to make a little archive.

      Quality only please, and must be compatable with stock EVO.


      "All power corrupts, absolute power..."
      " even more fun!"

      "The meek shall inherit..."
      "...what they're bloody well given. And be thankful for it."

      -BOFH, Simon talking to his PFY.

    • The litte green thing that goes fast that the green strand people that begin with "a" use

      100 bottles of beer on the wall, 100 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it arround, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.....

    • I think that the crescent warship is by far the most versatile of them all and for this reason I prefer this vessel above say the Igazra of the UE Cruiser.

      It was in the warship that I completed the zidagar,UE, Miranu,Nebula and azdgari missions and I reaaly like it.

      The best setup is to make half the turrets neutrons and the other half phase cannons , sell the SAD launcher and its' ammo and buy Rcs, Thrust,Shield,and sensor upgrades. Then take the ecm to the max and buy as many mass expansions as you can ( I dont remember how many as I almost never use the cargo hold, being strictly a combateer/ kill the bad guys type of guy) and to buy a rocket launcher, a pursuit missile launcher and to halve the remaining space between the ammo for the two.
      Forgot to say, sell the bloody fighter bay, if you're fighting voinians , or anyone except pirates(eg the zachit missions) the they're no bloody use to whatsoever and they can all just f--k off as far as I'm concerned.

      Doing this also gives you about 1.6 million creds to buy the upgrades with.

      p.s. any tips on the zachit missions?

      πŸ™‚ seeya all later

      A mad scottish mogwai of a mitsubishi eater( only clubbers will get this one)

      Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
      Aka Master Robinton.



    • Glad to see you are as fanatic as ever towards the gnship, battlepilot... Anyway, my favorite ship for heavy battles is the Miranu gnship, beacuse it is manouverable (however you spell that word) and still packs a punch.
      I love having fun piloting azdaras. They kick renegade butt, and are so darn fast that they cannot be touched!

      "Where'd you get those