Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Who is the best, UE or Voinians?

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      Seeing the success of my previous survey question (I should have guessed someone had already posted it) let me ask a new, more provocative one:
      Who is the best, Voinians or UE:
      -who has the best planets
      -who has the best weapons
      -who has the best ships
      -whose cause is the best, etc

      I hope there is Voinians upon this planet to be against the UE

      (This message has been edited by Zacha Pedro (edited 12-17-2000).)

    • Personally i am more of a pirate than anything else...

      talking playability there both equal. The UE has good missions and lots. The UE has less cash flow into your account though. The voinians have only a few missions and give youso much money you could... do lots of stuff with it. Also, try taking your Shiny new Voinian cruiser into the crescent and blowing everyone up. It's fun.

      "How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
      "Just bung a couple more engines on the back" -Them-

    • Well, lets look at ships right now. If you want to find out which ship is the best ship, you must first look at WHERE you are going to go.

      Go to the Crescent: Then go with the Voinians. The Voinian cruiser rules in the Crescent. Nothing can kill it.

      Go to Voinian Space: Then you'd probably just want to get an Igazra. They work best there. But, since this is only about UE/Voinian ships, I would have to say the UE Cruiser.

      Go to Emalgha Space: Get a UE Cruiser. It rocks there (especially against the Emalgha).

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • As for best cause, I think I would have to go to the UE. They are just defending themselves against the Voinians, which have just suddenly come along and started blasting UE ships. The Voinians are conquerers, and while some people might like that, I don't like it (at least, I don't like it when my own race is envolved).

      As for best planets, the Voinians have more planets and thus more resources than the UE do. While the UE have a very close number of planets, two of their planets (New Riga and Earth) are very low on resources.

      Weapons, well, lets see. It depends on what you want. Against the Voinians, Blaze weaponry might work best against the Voinians armor. However, Neutron weapons actually pack more punch, so you might want those weapons as well. I myself like them best because they work the best against Crescent vessels. Neutron weapons do about 30 damage to shields and 10 damage to armor. I don't know what Blaze weapons do. I really don't like Blaze weapons because they are so inaccurrate and not very strong against shields.

      With ships, I must say that most UE ships can beat their Voinian counterparts. However, the battle is very close between the UE Carrier and Voinian cruiser. The only reason the UE Carrier wins is because of its UE Fighters and Hunter missiles. Put them in an asteroid field, and the Voinians will almost always win (in my educated geuss opinion).

      To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
      Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
      Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

    • I don't like Voinian ships because they are so slow, But they are awesome in the creacent!

      What else do you burn than witches?
      More witches!
      "The Holy Grail", Monty Python

    • Easy.

      Best planets: United Earth. They have Earth and plenty of prosperous colonies, while the Voinian territory consists of planets taken from other races. Their home planet, Voinia, has very adverse living conditions.

      Best weapons: United Earth. They have the rocket just as the Voinians do, and have the added advantage of the guided Hunter Missile, which can inflict damage upon the enemy from a distance the standard rocket can't hope to reach. The Voinian Rocket Turret isn't enough to offset this. Neutron tech shot for shot is better than blaze, but its slow to fire and takes up a LOT of tonnage.

      Best ships: United Earth. The UE Destroyer is consistenly proven superior to the Frigate in NPC battles, and the UE fighter is faster than Voinian fightercraft can ever hope to be. Add in the UE Cruiser, and there you go.

      Best cause: United Earth. This isn't very difficult. The UE Gov is similar to the world today in a lot of ways....and before the Voinian wars humanity was content to explore the starts and expand their horizons. The Voinians on the other hand live only for conquest, and were the agressors in the Voinian Wars leading up to the Battle of Sol, where Earth would have been totally decimated if the fight had not gone against them.

      Also, I take serious issue with the assertion that the Voinians pay more than the UE does....but anyway.



      (This message has been edited by UE Crusader (edited 12-16-2000).)

    • I agree with UE Crusader. And if you do all the UE/Human missions, you will get more money too!

      Visit my EV site (url="http://"")The Catacomb(/url)
      My (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV boards.(/url)
      If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
      "Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."

    • If you just can't decide, play both! Do the Voinian missions, then get a Fake ID from the Renegades and do the UE missions!

      Those who are blinded by the light shall stumble in the darkness...
      Visit the (url="http://"")Unofficial EV Webboard(/url)!
      (url="http://" &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)

    • I wounder if Lonevoinian can prove Voinians are better?

      What else do you burn than witches?
      More witches!
      "The Holy Grail", Monty Python

    • You can't imagine that! I was posting a reply in this forum when AOL disconnected me! For so-called security reasons (my feet!)! Death to AOL!
      Well, It's hard to count, but it seems UE wins.
      For my part I am tied:
      The Voinians planets are the best, but they enslaved many alien races to match this, and UE has enslaved none and planets are consequently less productive (I wonder if UE would have enslaved alien slaves if they had encounter some )
      I think neutrons are far superior than blaze: for 15 tons of space, you set 3 blazes or 1 neutron (for cannons just now) which do :
      -for 3 blazes 632 (per 24 frames)=36 pts of shield damage (and 532=30pts of mass damage)
      -for 1 neutron 3211 (per 24 frames)=32 pts of shield damage (and 1711=17 pts of mass damage)
      This is close but neutrons have a better range, though slower, and bazes are so inaccurate that most of the shots are wasted; and if you are limited not by the tonnage, but by the gun slots (like in an Arada, I killed the dreadnough with a neutron cannoned Arada) then:
      -for 4 blazes 642 (per 24 frames)=48 pts of shield damage (and 542=40 pts of mass damage)
      -for 4 neutrons 3241=128 pts of shield damage (and 1741=68 pts of mass damage)
      Neutrons here wins easily even agaist armor.
      To sum it all, blazes are only better when space-limited, short-range battles against fast, tiny and heavy armored ships.
      Rockets are possesed by both, so humans rockets are as good as Voinians rockets.
      And to compare Hunter missiles and turreted rockets, hunter missiles do less damage and have less theorical range, but don't hope any, even turreted, rocket to catch anything except asteroids after a certain distance; Ammunitions have the same price, the same wheight, but a turreted rocket launcher is heavier than a hunter missile launcher.
      For ships :
      -the UE fighter wins both the Voinian fighters
      -the UE frigate wins easily one and sometimes two (separated) Voinian frigates
      -the Voinian Cruiser wins most of the time an UE carrier
      -And the sole time I've seen an UE cruiser and a dreadnough together (via a plug-in) the dreadnough won but a few neutrons from me brang it down.
      And for causes UE is the best, but don't you think it is then strange that so many people become renegades, where there are none Voinian renegades?

      Come on, LoneVoinian, VoinianAmbassador, and all Voinians upon Earth, support the Voinians against the UE to counterbalance the UE power!

    • Planets: The UE has better planets. The voinians may have more, but they're all stripped of all thier resources, or will be soon. They are also much more polluted.

      Cause: Take a wild guess...

      Ships: I've never flown any Voinian ships except for a Interceptor. I don't think I could stand flying a V. Cruiser or V. Frigate though. The UE Cruiser is too slow for me. It's an awesome ship, and I'll ushally use it for the Crecent and UE Missions, but then I'll ushally trade it in for an Igdzra or a CW afterwards. Plus all UE ships will kick a comparable Voinian ship's @ss.

      Weapons: UE, because they have both thier technology and most voinian techonlogies at the end of the game. If the Pareen station weren't ther, It'd be a toss up. Nuteron Turrents are much better than blaze turrents (except against crecent fighter), but the voinians entirely lack long-range weapons.

      And I am almost shocked that ther hasn't been a single Voinian here yet. Where are you LoneVoinian? VoinianAmbassador?

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

    • I'm here. I just have spent more time then usual blowing up UEs as UE Crusader can tell you. Anyway, my thoughts:

      Best Planets:
      Why the heck do you care about planets? They do nothing whatsoever except gather resources. The Voinians are better in that respect, though. Think about it, 1 Voinian Frigate costs 2.5 times as much as a UE Destroyer and always loses to one. But the front is stable. A Voinian Cruiser costs 2 times as much as a UE Carrier. But the front is stable. A Voinian Interceptor costs 2 times as much as a UE Fighter and a Voinian Heavy Fighter costs 3 times as much. But the front is stable.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
      **When the first contact happend the Voinians sent over a message pod to initiate talks. The Human ship had it's shields down and the pod hit the ship by accident and caused it to blow up. The Voinians tried to say they were sorry but whenever they found a Human ship it opened fire. The Voinians were forced to destroy it before it destroyed them. Finaly the Voinians found a planet that the UEs colonized. Earth. The Voinians had a very large force jump in to attemt to get a message through before all Voinian ships were destroyed. The Humans had an equily large force. The Humans opened fire and destroyed several Voinian ships in a few seconds. The Voinians fought back but to no avail. The Voinians jumped out of the system to prepare for war against these savages. The Voinians are the ones fighting for their survival. Not the UE. I say the Voinians have the best cause.

      That's what they all say...

      Cuz I'm a 21st Century Digital Boy
      I don't know the Monty Python but I've got a lotta toys
      My daddy is a Renegade, his name is Hellcat Helian
      Wait a second...

    • I personally like the UE better. The UE Cruiser kicks ass!

      Coming soon...

    • -who has the best planets

      This one's got to be the UE. Their planets were all previously uninhabited, and they don't force natives into submission like the Voinians. Plus they're relatively peaceful inside, according to the descriptions. For example, Saalia, Verril Prime, New Rome, and most of the other UE worlds are described as pastoral, idyllic places. But the descriptions for Dieram (full of Dieri rebels) and Naog (a desert world that the Voinians colonized for no apparent reason) are decidedly less pleasant. UE wins, hands down.

      -who has the best weapons

      This category's probably pretty much a tie, but the UE is slightly better. Neutron cannons and turrets are more powerful and accurate, but they're just so slow and big! Blaze cannons are smaller and faster, but half the shots are pretty much wasted. Of course, hunter missiles are better than rocketed turrets, so the UE wins in the realm of secondary weapons... So the UE is better in this category.

      -who has the best ships

      This one is easily won by the (url="http://"")UE ships(/url). (Yippee! Link time! :D) The (url="http://"")UE Destroyer(/url) can defeat a (url="http://"")Voinian Frigate(/url) any time, and costs less and is faster to boot. Granted, the (url="http://"")UE Carrier(/url) can be taken out by a (url="http://"")Voinian Cruiser(/url) 4 times out of 5, but the (url="http://"")UE Cruiser(/url) can kill a Voinian Cruiser easily, plus it's a good ship to have almost anywhere you go. (In Voinian, human, and Emalgha space, it's good because it's so well armed, and in the Crescent it has high enough armor to keep it pretty safe.) And in fighters, of course, there's no contest. The (url="http://"")UE Fighter(/url) can kill any Voinian fighter any day. I've killed (url="http://"")Voinian Heavy Fighters(/url) and (url="http://"")Interceptors(/url) with a (url="http://"")scoutship(/url) before. They're terrible. True, (url="http://"")Voinian ships(/url) are good in the Crescent...but the (url="http://"")UE Cruiser(/url) is too. No contest in this category either--UE wins.

      -whose cause is the best

      I think the UE wins this category too. The Voinians always seem to be the aggressors. Unless LV's story is true, which I doubt (no offense, LV ;)), the Voinians fired the first shot in the war. The Voinians attacked Sol, and are clearly more expansionist because of the way they treat the natives of the worlds they invade. In the UE missions, the UE helps races like the Emalgha and Hinwar that are trying unsuccessfully to defend themselves against the Voinians. The Voinian missions involve things like destroying Kelmaon and Verril Prime--definitely not missions of aid to weaker races. The Voinians seem cruel and, simply, evil. The UE's cause is obviously better.

      Finally, the Voinian missions do pay better, but the UE missions are more morally satisfying. Who doesn't feel good helping the otherwise hopeless Hinwar and Emalgha? Who doesn't like killing those annoying renegades? Who doesn't want to open trade relations with a peaceful race? Who doesn't want to help the UE solve a kidnapping mystery? On the Voinian side, who likes to kill races that barely can fight back like the Emalgha? And what satisfaction is there in destroying an innocent colony planet? The UE are much more satisfying to work for.

      Overall, it definitely seems that the UE is better. It didn't have to be that way; it's probably a subconscious bias on the behalf of the game designers. But the game can't be changed now, and the way it is, the UE is definitely a better race.

      Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"")!
      "One sting is remembered longer than a thousand caresses."--Toklar, Mon Calamari philosopher

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
      **When the first contact happend the Voinians sent over a message pod to initiate talks. The Human ship had it's shields down and the pod hit the ship by accident and caused it to blow up.

      So, LoneVoinian, the UE-Voinian war would be due to a pod incident?!?!? 😕
      I can't beleive that (but if you send me an unrefutable proof :D).

      Seriously, LoneVoinian, to match the UE power here you need more arguments which are in the game.
      You can speak about the UE pretended democracy, which is not so best, as there are renegades

      But for now, UE wins.

    • The reason why the Voinians do not have renegades is that they are

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
      Best Planets:
      Why the heck do you care about planets? They do nothing whatsoever except gather resources. The Voinians are better in that respect, though. Think about it, 1 Voinian Frigate costs 2.5 times as much as a UE Destroyer and always loses to one. But the front is stable. A Voinian Cruiser costs 2 times as much as a UE Carrier. But the front is stable. A Voinian Interceptor costs 2 times as much as a UE Fighter and a Voinian Heavy Fighter costs 3 times as much. But the front is stable.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
      **Also, did you notice that the UE have two critical gaps in their frontier that leads to either Verril or Earth? However, the Voinian front is dead solid.

      Well, did you notice that after the Emalgha liberate Romit that it's just ONE uninhabited system away from Voinia? The UE is better.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

    • Quote

      Originally posted by UE Patriot (at home):
      Well, did you notice that after the Emalgha liberate Romit that it's just ONE uninhabited system away from Voinia? The UE is better.

      God bless,

      UE Patriot

      Uhh... No. Chens is between them. Oh, about the Emalgha liberating it, if they were trying to liberate it, why did they wipe out all life on the planet. INCLUDING THE SLAVES THERE?