Ah! I nearly forgot the UE destroyer!! Yes, I agree with everyone who supports the UE. The UE destroyer has to be the best mid-weight ship for me!
I dunno... I never got into the UE Cruiser.... I guess it's just that by the time I completed the Anna B. missions on all my pilot files, I had ships that were heavily upgraded and suited me rather well... I'll admit, it's a good ship.
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AIM: CrazyJ617 B-net: Flatulence (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc -
Originally posted by Flatulence:
**So, Captain, what smaller vessels do you see as acceptable? Arada? Lazira?
**Yup. Pretty much any smaller ship that has lots of guns and shielding. I especially like the Arada, has more weapons space than practically any other ship in the game.
To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond! -
Originally posted by Samurai:
**Gee, I think there's another medium size ship that isn't really getting enough credit here... the Miranu Gunship! Hang on, I'll grab the stats...Cargo: 25
shields: 800
armor: 250
accel: 500 (very good)
speed: 250
shield recharge rate: 150 (lower is better)
guns/turrets: 3
crew: 3
space: 35
fuel: 6 jumpsNot really incredible, but I have a soft spot for the dorky-looking M. Gunship.
It's got mucho space once you take off the SAD launchers, and it has decent shields and speed. Upgraded, it can be really nice for a mid-game ship.
Sounds good to me. But the crew is really low for a warship, and there's not a whole lot of space (Like on the UE Destroyer which has 200+ tons when you get rid of all the rockets and missiles). I guess you could make a nice fighting ship out of it, but I don't think I'd want to fly it.
Originally posted by Captain Orne
**Answering to the first question of this topic, I must say I like "Armored Tanks"ships with as much maneuverability and speed as possible.Reading this topic, I think you forgot the UE Cruiser which is an excellent ship and with many upgrades it is even better.
UE Cruiser is okay, but it's too slow for me. I use either Lazira, UE Destroyer, or Crescent Warship instead. They have about the same firepower (When I use 'em), but they are more maneuverable, something I consider an asset. If I really want firepower, I get a Miranu Heavy Freighter w/ emalgha upgrade, mass expansions, Neutron Turrets, Azdara Bay, Pursuit Missiles, all engine upgrades, all shield upgrades, and all armors. It's got the same firepower, but smaller (In other words, harder to hit) and faster.
May the world never rest in peace.(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-18-2000).)
What I've found works really well is an Azdara Warship. It moves right along, and as long as you aren't fighting Vonians, your six little pieces of love will rip anything else to shreds. Needs armour uprades though, but still has enough room to pack plenty of puch (especially with all of the cargo converted to weaponry). The UE Cruiser was o.k. as long as you got all of the manuveralbilty upgrades.
I come from a little town you've probably never heard of. -
Originally posted by Samurai:
**Gee, I think there's another medium size ship that isn't really getting enough credit here... the Miranu Gunship! Hang on, I'll grab the stats...Cargo: 25
shields: 800
armor: 250
accel: 500 (very good)
speed: 250
shield recharge rate: 150 (lower is better)
guns/turrets: 3
crew: 3
space: 35
fuel: 6 jumpsNot really incredible, but I have a soft spot for the dorky-looking M. Gunship.
It's got mucho space once you take off the SAD launchers, and it has decent shields and speed. Upgraded, it can be really nice for a mid-game ship.
I really like the Miranu Gunship too. Plus with Dospect and 4 sheild enhancers I has:1000 sheilds and 750 armore which translates to 100 sheilds and 75 armor. Plus good speed and weapons space
Visit my site (url="http://"http://www.angelfire.com/indie/thecatacomb/index.html")http://www.angelfire...comb/index.html(/url)
Email me at:grahamgoff@hotmail.com -
The Aggy ( Azdgari ) Warship isn't that great....... the only way you can capture it in a legit way is to board and capture one. And then, you're presented with a problem... unless you work for the Aggies (Which you probably won't, if you're attacking their ships), then you won't be able to get any more Azdara in your fighter bay, and you won't be able to sell the bay. That's 160 wasted space. With 160 space, I can make a Crescent Warship much better than the Aggy Warship could be.... (that might be a little confusing, but I think people get the idea??)
My 2 ˘.
"I know Kung Fu"
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AIM: CrazyJ617 B-net: Flatulence (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc -
Captain, I'm still curious about the Arada.... what do you use for upgrades on it? What weapons? Turrets or Cannons to save space? And what about fighting tactics? Do you use a lot of secondaries to hit them from afar, or do you monty python everything?
Thanks. Peace.
"I know Kung Fu"
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AIM: CrazyJ617 B-net: Flatulence (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc -
Originally posted by Captain Carnotaur:
**Yup. Pretty much any smaller ship that has lots of guns and shielding. I especially like the Arada, has more weapons space than practically any other ship in the game.**
Arada, eh? I've never flown one, so I wouldn't know exactly how good it is. It does have quite a bit of space (Not as much as the UE Destroyer does when you get rid of the heavy ranged weapons, though), but it doesn't seem to hold up well under fire. I'm trying to picture a battle between a pimped-out Arada and my cool UE Destroyer. It seems to me that the Destroyer would win (It usually does), but the Arada seems like a good enough ship. Maybe I should choose it over the Helian during the early part of the game. Only problem is that it's damn expensive for a ship in its class.
Note to Jubee: Why guns? Guns only work well on fast ships where you don't have to worry about turning to face your opponent. Turrets are a far better bet on slower ships b/c you don't need to turn, saving time hunting down fighters.
May the world never rest in peace.(This message has been edited by goomeister (edited 11-22-2000).)
My fave ship is an Arada, with maxed phase cannons, full speed and shield upgrades, and usually dospect armor and dispy rockets or . Either that or my slightly modified Arada with the re-rendered ship graphics. A deep blue, with neon green trim. Fast as hell, but not too fast, and packs one hell of a punch. Plus it looks cool
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.(This message has been edited by Fury (edited 11-22-2000).)
In general I like balanced ships. The Lazira and Crescent Warship are good in the early/middle game, but later in the game you can find flat-out stronger ships. I generally choose the UE Cruiser, Igazra, or Zidara. In fact, I'm surprised that the people who like fast ships haven't mentioned the Zidara. It's easily better than a Lazira or UE Destroyer...although substantially harder to get a hold of. It is faster, has more shielding, can carry an extra gun, and has only a little bit less space.
Shield/Armor/Recharge: 135/15/2.03
Speed/Accel/Turn: 225/200/90
Space/Cargo: 170/50
Guns/Turr: 3/3UE Destroyer
Shield/Armor/Recharge: 120/40/1.13
Speed/Accel/Turn: 150/175/90
Space/Cargo: 210/30
Guns/Turr: 3/3Zidara
Shield/Armor/Recharge: 180/15/1.08
Speed/Accel/Turn: 250/225/120
Space/Cargo: 160/40
Guns/Turr: 4/3Note that "shield" and "armor" are measured in the standard shipyard decaunits. Recharge is in units per second. The "space" for the Zidara does not include the manditory fighter bay, so consider the fighters an added bonus.
jason short
I don't like the Zidara for a few reasons...... first off, you can't sell those phased beamers. Next, you can't get rid of the fighter bay.... then, it's got a crappy fuel supply, so, if even for some god-forsaken reason you decide to use the beamer ( :D), it doesn't last long.
Furthermore, when you sell all the standard stuff on the Lazira and Destroyer, you have MUCH more space than the Zidara could dream of....
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Ľ AIM: CrazyJ617 Ľ B-net: Flatulence Ľ (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc Ľ (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) Ľ -
Yea, I like the Lazira because it has good amount of space and can get pretty fast, although I don't think it holds many turrets? I'm not sure...
"Living is easy with eyes closed. Misunderstanding all you see." -
Holds 3.... you can get by with that, I guess.... (I much prefer the Igazra's 5)....
"I know Kung Fu"
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Ľ AIM: CrazyJ617 Ľ B-net: Flatulence Ľ (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc Ľ (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) Ľ -
Originally posted by firestorm:
**Armored tanks.
**1. Expand on that thought.....
2. Where's Adams?
"I know Kung Fu"
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Ľ AIM: CrazyJ617 Ľ B-net: Flatulence Ľ (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=8")Search(/url), inc Ľ (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Don't Click Here(/url) Ľ