Originally posted by CI-Ia0s:
Is the rumor about diligence referring to RoD?
If you've already found RoD then you will know if this rumor is for this spell or not. If you haven't found RoD then I'm not telling. 
and is the one about the mage in a trance about evoke life?
I don't recall off hand which rumor started out about the mage being in a trance. Why don't you follow it and see if it leads anywhere...
Also, is there anything in the sword that was shattered?
No. At least, not unless a plug-in designer takes it up, or unless I take it up in a future project(a definite possibility if someone else doesn't use it first).
Finally, (and off topic) I relocated myself to Gidolan keep but I cant mov when i am there. Is there anything there, and if not, why not?
Nothing there.
Why not? Because Beenox chose not to make the keep accessible. My relocate spell allows you to get in there in a manner that previously had been unachievable. Therefore you are going to find a number of places that you can get into that you "shouldn't" be able to; some of benefit, some of disappointment. Gidolan keep is of the latter.
(edit) Fixed a dropped bracket. Bad bracket! (/edit)
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(url="http://"http://stark.evula.net")Stark.evula.net(/url) now on (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")EVula.net(/url)
(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 10-07-2002).)