Selfdestruct is command-d (apple-d for those less advanced).
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream!
Selfdestruct is command-d (apple-d for those less advanced).
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream!
That doesn't make your ship blow up by itself though. it means you're purposely blowing it up yourself, which seem just plain stupid.
Not if you are doing strict play so you can't reload your pilot file and then you get stuck in a nebula or something.
I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.
Originally posted by Lonevoinian:
**Not if you are doing strict play so you can't reload your pilot file and then you get stuck in a nebula or something.
that's the main use of it
Captain Orne
This still doesn't give us a way to blow up the ship for no reason.
Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I was asking the Borg, not you.
We are unsure of what happened, The Borg did not mean to post such a message twice, we are sorry.
Resistance is Futile
Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**I was asking the Borg, not you.
We are unsure of what happened, The Borg did not mean to post such a message twice, we are sorry.
Resistance is Futile
And to make the borg ship blow up you can have a ship called "Queen" show up in any system any time. But very rarly. And have it have a beam that reaches 100000000 pixles(Or whatever the unit of mesurment is) and have it have 0 inacuricy and have it do 99999999999999 damage. Also make it hunt borg ships in generel.
I guss Hucked on Fonex werked fer you tew.
Yes, but it would have to just attack Borg ships though.
Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
**Do you know of a way to get your ship to just blow up?
Others have mentioned self-destruct, but there is another way. Make a plugin with a weapon that has AmmoType -999, give the unsuspecting player the weapon, and when the player fires it... KABOOM!
This could be a neat plot twist in a plugin... make the player paranoid.
(This message has been edited by Kermit (edited 10-16-2000).)
Originally posted by The Borg:
**We are unsure of what happened, The Borg did not mean to post such a message twice, we are sorry.
Hehe. He did it again. And eleven minutes apart again.
AIM - Skyblade500
(url="http://"")Skyblade Software(/url)
I'm a beta tester for ST:EVO and it's... wow so far
Awesome Graphics, Trent!
Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius
Originally posted by Slug:
**I'm a beta tester for ST:EVO and it's... wow so far
Awesome Graphics, Trent!
Actually, the credit goes to my younger brother.
He is the mastermind behind the models.
"Don't steal. The government hates competition."
Star Trek Escape Velocity
Originally posted by Kermit:
**Others have mentioned self-destruct, but there is another way. Make a plugin with a weapon that has AmmoType -999, give the unsuspecting player the weapon, and when the player fires it... KABOOM!
Ye, but the player could just avoid using it.