Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Originally posted by The Team:
      **- Don't buy the flat-panel, at least not in our opinion. The graphic resolution isn't as sharp (don't argue it, CNET, ZDNET, Apple, and us have all tested it). And, you have to pay quite a price for it. If you have the money, get it, but its small, and kinda sharp on the eye.

      hmmm... I disagree completely -- the 15" LCD is one of the most beautiful displays I've ever seen -- extremely easy on the eyes, very bright, very sharp -- excellent. Of course, the 22" LCD (the Cinema Display) is positively orgasmic -- it goes without saying.

      Anyone who has seen the Cinema display in person can't help but be impressed by it.

      Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

    • This guy in the dorms over the summer had a G4 (missed the MPs) with the 22 inches of love. Oooohh. The thought of watching widescreen DVDs full-screen (or mostly full screen in some cases) is just amazing. Makes me wish my iBook's monitor was even a little bit bigger. One of these days I will get one. One of these days

      On a side note, his roommate was using an old all-in-one 68k LC. Hadn't seen one of those since 6th grade. It was neat seeing Sys 7.5 up and running again. (Still hard to find a serial-to-Ethernet adapter).


      PS - If anyone has some spare parts, I have a 68000 motherboard sitting around here and it would be neat to rebuild the Plus. Just let me know πŸ˜‰

      Β—= Timinator =Β—

      Β“I can imagine a world without war, without hate. I can also imagine us attacking that world because they wouldn't expect it.Β”

      (This message has been edited by Timinator (edited 09-08-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Puddle Jumper:
      **If you drink, don't park. Accidents cause people.

      At first I thought that was a random drunk quote, but now that I think about it, it actually does make sense....

      (url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)
      Graphics. Games. And more...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **hmmm... I disagree completely -- the 15" LCD is one of the most beautiful displays I've ever seen -- extremely easy on the eyes, very bright, very sharp -- excellent. Of course, the 22" LCD (the Cinema Display) is positively orgasmic -- it goes without saying.

      Anyone who has seen the Cinema display in person can't help but be impressed by it.


      Lol, guess we have to disagree there. Firstly, the Cinema Display, while an impressive display, is not really that great. 1600 x 1024 is not standard resolution, its made for wide screen (1600x1240 or is it 1600x1280) is the industry standard. 1024x640 is just odd. We have used one, and we agree with CNet. While the color is quite good, and pretty sharp, it cannot hold a candle to the older Apple 20" monitors. Our friend has one attached to a G3, and it blows away the Cinema display for color quality. Flat panels are also harsh on your eyes. Sit in front of one for 8 hours at a time and it makes 'em sore.
      Plus, we don't care how orgasmic it may be, it sure isn't a $4,000 orgasm.

    • I like working at a Mac store... I get to play with all the new toys before most people get them from the Apple store... when they are first released. Including software...
      Guess who will be trying the OS X Beta is three days >= )
      -I could of tried the DP versions from someone I knew, unfortunatly I haven't been able to back up my HDD yet >=

      I like the new mouse and keyboard, finally some high quality accessories!
      The benefit of being the main tester is that I have used almost every kind of Mac computer, accessory, display, printer and so on.

      "My" computer at work is almost as good as my iMac... a nice 9500 with a 17" Apple Monitor. I love the 17 inches... I so wish the iMacs had 17 inch monitors though. Unfortunatly you have to spend a fortune to have a newer Mac with 17" display =(
      That is my main complaint about Apple now.
      That, and all their computers use white as the main color. Black is bad ass.... I want a powerful looking computer, not a pretty one. The only way to have a non cutesty Mac is to do what I am doing and getting out the spray paint >= )

      tear it down - - Labor conquers all things

    • If anyone is drooling over pictures of the new Macs but hasn't seen one yet, just go to the nearest CompUSA if there is one close to you. They're pretty common; there's even one thirty minutes from my backwater home of Clinton, MS. πŸ˜‰

      I can't think of anything to write here.

    • But now they made a G4 Cube that has:
      500MHz PowerPC G4
      1MB L2 cache
      256MB SDRAM memory
      40GB Ultra ATA drive
      DVD-ROM w/DVD-Video
      RADEON graphics
      10/100BASE-T Ethernet
      56K internal modem


    • I wish I had a chance to play with the new macs. They seem so cool.

      Why is there yogurt in this cap?
      -It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.

    • I play EVO with an Imac DV. Otherwise top, but it freezeez sometimes

      Try Cross Country

    • How many of you got DSL? I just got it today, and boy is it awesome!! You can really connect fast to the EV and EVO websites.


    • Okay everyone, together now...


    • Quote

      Originally posted by zhouj:
      **use gigaflops or billion floating operations per second which Dual Processor 500 MHz G4 equals 7 gigaflops. that would be more than a normal 1ghz pentium processor. also the system software doesn't fully utilize both processors


      Don't forget that PCs are cheaper and they can do dual processors too. 850MHz P3 processors can currently be overclocked to 1.1 Mhz, but that's as far as ANYONE has gone, even the l33test of the l33test of the l33test O/Cers at (url="http://"")

      Let's face it, a Homebuilt comp with a 4 processor P3 overclocked to 1GHz and a kickass graphics card will beat the **** out of any single processor G3 500MHz at gaming, and cost less. But PCs don't have EV! πŸ™‚


    • For anyone having problems with your Mac freezing up:
      first try giving more memory to the application (select the application, got to File-->Get Info, go to Show: and select memory. Then set the preferred memory to about 50% more than what it says.

      If that doesn't work, try re-installing your system software (don't do a clean install unless you have JUST NOW bought the computer and have nothing to lose). Before you do, though, make a copy of your current system folder just in case. I know that's the standard tech support advice, but you'd be surprised what a re-install of the system software can fix, even on a brand new computer (it fixed an apparent incompatability of my graphics card with my monitor--didn't want to give me all the promised resolutions before I re-installed the system software.

      Another piece of advice, always keep the installers of any system upgrades (in one folder for convenience), even if you have already used them. That way, it's easy to install the upgrades again if you do a system re-install.


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Yoda:
      **Don't forget that PCs are cheaper and they can do dual processors too. 850MHz P3 processors can currently be overclocked to 1.1 Mhz, but that's as far as ANYONE has gone, even the l33test of the l33test of the l33test O/Cers at

      Let's face it, a Homebuilt comp with a 4 processor P3 overclocked to 1GHz and a kickass graphics card will beat the **** out of any single processor G3 500MHz at gaming, and cost less. But PCs don't have EV! <IMG SRC="" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">

      That really isn't a fair test now is it? Why don't you just compare an IBM super computer to an iMac?????

      Instead, firstly, you mean the G4 @ 500mhz. Secondly, 2 Dual processor G4's running at 500mhz put in a beowulf cluster destroy a quad processor PIII setup. (for those of you who are wondering what a beowulf cluster is, its when computers are linked together to act as one unit, so 2 500mhz form a 1000mhz virtual computer). Also, my friends Dual 850mhz PIII is crushed by my Dual 500mhz G4. And, my G4 runs Half-Life much better than any PC, especially with a 22" screen.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Yoda:
      **Don't forget that PCs are cheaper and they can do dual processors too. 850MHz P3 processors can currently be overclocked to 1.1 Mhz, but that's as far as ANYONE has gone, even the l33test of the l33test of the l33test O/Cers at

      Let's face it, a Homebuilt comp with a 4 processor P3 overclocked to 1GHz and a kickass graphics card will beat the **** out of any single processor G3 500MHz at gaming, and cost less. But PCs don't have EV! <IMG SRC="" HEIGHT="15" WIDTH="15">


      At gaming? Remember, you can overclock Macs too. And to buy a system with 4 CPUs costs over $6500. The cost of a 4 CPU board (which I have never seen for sale) and the cost of 4 Pentiums IIIs is well over 3500, the cost of a dual G4 @ 500... which you could, in theory, overclock to 733 MHz.

      tear it down - - Labor conquers all things

      (This message has been edited by Soviet mikee (edited 09-21-2000).)

    • We just went over to one of our friends house and saw his Power Mac G4 Cube, and it is VERY cool. I've seen one before at Macworld, but I didn't get to actually see what it could do. Also, its toaster like CD holder was interesting, as was the fact that it didn't make any noise (no fan, just a convexion cooling system). And so he sold us his Beige 300mhz Mac G3 Tower. It's going to be nice to finally have two fast computers I can use again (the other computer that I used to use, a Performa, is VERY slow even with its Crescendo G3 upgrade).


    • MACS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

      AIM: StrikerDragon

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Alien 5672:
      **MACS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!


      Hmm, their marketshare would tell otherwise.....

      tear it down - - Labor conquers all things

    • Quote

      Originally posted by andrew:
      **If you check the Apple Store for pricing, you'll notice that while the 400mhz g4 tower sells for $200 less than the Cube, and has PCI slots & gigabit ethernet, it has 50 less mhz, comes with no speakers, has a fan (you'd be amazed how noisy fans are to you after you've used a computer with no fan), takes up a lot more room (can't be put on a desk easily), and doesn't look as cool.

      Ah! Now your blending opinion with "fact"! I personally think the G4 Tower is better looking than the cube. Plus, I play my music (why would you turn your music down so low as to hear the CD-ROM drive anyway? wierdo :)) at a reasonable volume, and fan noise doesn't really factor into it. Plus, the cube is kinda wierd looking. The tower is, in my opinion, cooler looking. And, who would put a tower on-top of a desk anyway! Silly users, towers are for floors! πŸ™‚

    • Yeah, but reaching way down there to stick a CD in bites, and its real easy to wack your arm, leg, or head (painfully) against something. My opinion is that Apple should make some desktop models. Desktops take up less total space on your desk.

      IMHO, the G4 tower is a better deal than the cube because it still looks satisfactorily cool (although cube is a bit cooler), you some decent expandability and at the Apple store you can totally customize it with anything you want practically. You can add SCSI, a Zip drive, a Radeon card, throw in one of Apple's monitors, you name it. Also I already have huge Sony speakers that were meant for a home sterio that I have hooked up to this computer and they RULE. I'd be willing to bet I have the best speaker set up in Maine. The reason this works is that I've got an old amplifier with one of those audio cables plugged into the comuter and I've got the speakers plugged into the amp.

      The only things that bring out a strong desire in me to damage my computer are 3D illustration programs.