Originally posted by anonymous:
**I think the real question should be: "Who fonly imagines that they are ever going to be able to finish a project of this magniture, in a co-ordinated, quality assured manner?"
Other questions such as how they're going to cope with thinly-spread misn bits, etc., remain.
Sheesh. Wake up and smell the piffle juice, guys.**
Be very carefull when you say that, so far from what I've seen the project has progressed veeeeeeeeery quickly, they only started about a month ago and already they have laid out the galaxy, done a lot of grpahics and well, actually that's all I really know, I think Cinga has done his part of the plot as well.
For you other question about misn bits etc. well they have allocated each government a certain amount of ship reources etc. each and they can't go over that limit, go read the topic on the project, it was a couple of pages long so it should provide a great deal of info.