Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Marine missions

      Can anyone give me information about the marine missions, like where to get then and what it is all about and what to you have to accomplish. Also what is the marine outfit?


      Mabey I just might not take the bounty that's on you head now

      Who ever pays me more will get the job done!

    • If you're talking about the marines you need to board the Gualon Station, go to Outpost Gamma, which in the southern most of the three outpost (and two jumps away from Verrill Prime). Talk to Cmd. d'Erlon in the bar.

      I'd suggest bring along escorts before you attack the station. I'm flying a tricked out Crescent Warship and brought three more along with me. And they all got killed rather quickly.

      As for the "Marine Outfit", the marines leave behind weapons, gear and boarding equipment ("Hmm... this could come in handy."). It's supposed to make boarding easier. (So I've heard.)



    • marine gear gives you more crew, thus more chance to capture enemy ship.

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • How would you do a outfit in EV-Edit that would make capturing easier? That sounds nice. And, is it listed in Extras?

    • Where do you buy the marine gear? 😕

      YakKa Foob MoG. GRuG
      PubbuWuP ZiNk WattooM
      GaZoRK. CHuMBLE SpuZz.

    • I don't think you can...

      Very funny, now beam down my clothes. These ladies look rest-less..... uh-oh...

      Alien's famous tongue...
      "Vionions?? Voinioniommoins?? Viks? Veggies? Vegetables? Oh wait, that's a hewman plant...

    • (quote)Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
      **Where do you buy the marine gear?:D

      "Are you sure this is a good idea, Boss?"
      "Of course not, don't ask stupid questions"

      -- Loiosh & Vlad --

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Flatulence:
      You can by it using a plug, or you can get it by finishing the UE central objective. Pick your poison. (see, that's a joke.... cheat plugs are bad, as is working for the puny United Earth government)... get it? 😄

      (Audience looks at Flatulence with bored expressions on faces)
      (Starts throwing tomatoes)

      I trust you Ubbie baby-Pam
      Damn it Pam, stop glowing-Harry
      You know Harry, I used to like you-Ubermann

      Translated from German, Ubermannen means 'to overpower'
      Translated from German, Ubermensch means 'superman'
      'Nuff said

      Gene pools need their own lifeguards.

      A.S.S Cuisine reporting for duty!