Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • More ROTV2 help please!

      Well after i was 'demoted' cause of my 'stupidity' I'm now searching for a planet behind UE lines ... it seems like I've searched space up and down, backward and forward ... all of UE space, Strandless, Renegades, not to mention the Crescent and Miranu space ... can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!


    • 2 jumps north of molos. In the NCG-3065------- system.(I think) It is one of the few Voinian planets that won't hate you when the voinians first get it.

      U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

    • Are you sure it's 2 jumps from Molos? I've surveyed every system like 3-4 jumps and into Igazdra space, as far as I know there's either nothing there, an uninhabitable planet, or a UE listening post ... there's 1 planet 2 jumps north of Aludra but nothing happened when I landed.


    • Explore north some. It is a red, uninhabeted planet. The first jump is slightly east of galactic north and the second jump is slightl west of the galactic north. If that doesn't work, bribe your way onto molos and buy a regenel map. The planet that you are suppost to land on has some ------'s after its name.

      U.E. Lovers Are Ignorant Of True Power.

      (This message has been edited by Lonevoinian (edited 09-02-2000).)