How many people here have captured a V.Dreadnaught,cause I'm one of them.
I captured a V.Cruiser and boarded it.simple.It was a 9% chance of capturing it when i boardered it.
If any of u out there have caught one,post,post,post!!!Tell me how u caught it.
Anyway,everyone say's it's crappy but it's not.Give it an engine & thrust upgrade and it should make up for the lost speed.Plus it's superior fire power (5 turrets and 3 cannons,I think?) and it's amazing armour (the shields are quite good if u add 4 sheild enhancers aswell) make's it nearly indistructable. in what u think of the V.Dreadnaught.
In my opinion,it kick's ass!!!
yes, And that's the bottom line,
it's true, cause STONE COLD
(the best)
it's true. said ------------ so!!!!!