i'm trying to make a plug-in that consists of a different universe. how would i start with no systems and add my own with EV-Edit or ResEdit?
i'm trying to make a plug-in that consists of a different universe. how would i start with no systems and add my own with EV-Edit or ResEdit?
Originally posted by Mogley:
**i'm trying to make a plug-in that consists of a different universe. how would i start with no systems and add my own with EV-Edit or ResEdit?
I suggest that you get a copy of EVO Developers' Map from Pontus' site at
EVO Developers' Map is much easier to use than ResEdit and more complete and more stable than EV-Edit. It has a graphical interface which displays a map (somewhat similar to EV-Edit's display) where you can place systems and links or go inside the systems to place and edit spöbs.
The mwthod I use for getting a blank map to stsrt with is to make a duplicate of the 'EV Data' or the 'EVO Data 2' file (depending on whether you are making a plug for EV or EVO), using ResEdit to delete all the 's˙st' resources from the data file, and placing the file in the 'Data Files ' folder in the EVO Developers' Map folder. When ypou start up EVO DevMap, you will have an empty universe you can fill as you please.
Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer
I think he put you on the right track. Good luck!
"Sir, victory of the bladder over the mind is inevitable"-James T. Farrell
To zap out all of the existing stuff, use the annihilation feature in EV Edit (it may not be called this). This feature will set up place holders which overwrite all the current EVO stuff.
After you've done that, delete EV Edit from your machine and use EVO Developers Map, Schmelta V and ResEdit, like all good space people.
Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**To zap out all of the existing stuff, use the annihilation feature in EV Edit...
Funny , I was under the impression that EV-Edit is an annihilation feature.
Good advice as always, Mr. Turner.
Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer
Well said...
Grybs. The Entity.
(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com")Invalid Directory(/url)
Why does everyone have some quasi-amusing quote at the end of their signature file?
I am not afraid.
He's building a new universe... and he needs to ask how.
This one gets my vote for 'Plugs we'll never see'
...but good luck Mowgli. Enjoy.