What is the address of the nova site?
Now choose: CIA or KGB!
What is the address of the nova site?
Now choose: CIA or KGB!
Last I cchecked Nova was long dead...
its very alive... just... in another form....
your freindly drug addict
It "went down" a while ago.
I suppose you could say this is its site: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/news/upcoming/ev3_betashots.html")http://www.AmbrosiaS..._betashots.html(/url)
Originally posted by Spyder:
**What is the address of the nova site?
There has never been much of a Nova Website. They were to busy working on the plug in.
But are you sure it is EV3?
They might just be showing the Ev3 engine with nova ships!
I think...
Now choose: CIA or KGB!
spyder, i am beyond sure
Well, OK.
Can anyone mail me some Nova beta or something.
If it큦 dead there큦 nothing wrong sending it to me???
Email: 94krva@utb.ronneby.se
Now choose: CIA or KGB!
Originally posted by Spyder:
**Well, OK.
Can anyone mail me some Nova beta or something.
If it큦 dead there큦 nothing wrong sending it to me???
Email: 94krva@utb.ronneby.se
Nova is rather alive, though little has been heard from ATMOS, the group that's developing. I seriously doubt anyone would send you a beta version, and I doubt you'd have much fun downloading it, the archive probably being 20 megabytes plus. Uncompressed: 40 megabytes.
"We shouldn't have pissed off the judge."
- Source inside Microsoft following verdict in the Microsoft antitrust case.
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