Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Stuck in Strand Missions

      I'm working for the Azdagari and the missions are getting repetative, we have left the base in the stror system and all i'm getting for missions around there space is, 'can you evacuate these people' or 'wanna go on a raid' i've been doing these missions for two days and i'm getting very frustated, my combat rating is noteworthy, what do i have to do or where do i have to go to get bigger missions?? Please help.

      Insert cool signature here: any suggestions??

    • Get a Deadly combat rating, sigh..., and be an Upstanding Citizen in the Adzgari system.

    • I had the exact smae problem. Just do what Jack said and go to the Xarnes bar to get this shield type mission. Goes from there. Need a better combat rating? Go to the Proxima and start trashing human renegades. This will also lead to more credits, a needle jammer, the elimination of Pariah, and a UE Cruiser which is ideal for almost any combat mission. Need a better gov. rating? Just do some of the missions that they ask you to do (raids, evacuating etc.).

      Good luck :).

      Feel the Jive
      (Insert cool quote here)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by The other Jack:
      Get a Deadly combat rating, sigh..., and be an Upstanding Citizen in the Adzgari system.

      I'm stuck in the same place. I do have a deadly combat rating, and i am an upstanding cit. But still, nothing happens when I go in the Xarnes bar...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Cogito Ergo Sum (Evan):
      I'm stuck in the same place. I do have a deadly combat rating, and i am an upstanding cit. But still, nothing happens when I go in the Xarnes bar...

      I've checked and it does not have 100% avail, meaning that it is not availible 100% of the time. Try going around the systems for a while, then return. If still nothing, repeat. You'll get it some time.

      Shut ya mouth and know ya role.

      You shall never beat me. So there.

      Ä„Gavin has entered the building!


      1/8 computer nerd
      1/8 fast biker
      1/8 tv watcher
      1/8 EVO fan
      1/2 clubber and lady's man


    • I did the shirld mission, and the guy said he is working on making it better and he'd be seeing me. So I assume I'm supposed to see him somewhere? I've been doing all missions forever. my Combat rating is Ultimate and I have Upstanding citizen throughout Adzardi space. I'd really like to complete the Adzardi missions because I've never tried them before. Please give assistance.

    • Sheesh, you give up easy. Try going to the bar on Xarnes again. I'm pretty sure all the missions run out of there.

      Everything is catching, yes, everything is catching on fire.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by MisterT:
      **Sheesh, you give up easy.


      When you do an important mission, read the message carefully. About 90% of the time you should go to the bar to get the next mission. Other times, there should be a place that has been mentioned. Go there to get the next one.

      Note: This is in general. I'm not talking about a certain mission.

      Feel the Jive
      I'm not as think
      as you stupid I am.

    • yeah, Jive and MisterT are right, just have some integrity, be patient, things dont just happen. ya gotta werk. another tip: learn ta spell tha names better, that should help. I do know how ta spell, im just lazy right now

      Life is evil, live with it

    • Why is spelling impertnt hre? haha seriously though i don't care much about spelling anyhow, but what I was trying to say is...I've been to every system in the whole space of where I was last and nothing is there of use. I've done the same thing for 4 days going on 5. I am trying to be patient, but there was no mention of where to go next.

    • spelling is important here, by mispelling the names you are disgracing the Strands, very bad thing to do. anyway, ive done every strand completely, its in the Adzgari system, either the middle or left planet. thats where it is

      Life is evil, live with it

    • The solution, is to wait. go do the NPD central objective, or complete some other mission strand. When you come back, it will be available.

      "Not an Electric Sausage"- Marvin

      "Happiness is a warm gun"-John Lennon

      I am a proud member of Dogbert's New Ruling Class

    • i've already completed the ue vs vonian, npd, hinwar, anna balshova, zacha destruction of the rock, and have been offered spots in the izdigar and zidagar, and i have a ultimated combat rating. so how do i begin the azdigari missions?

    • First, off, if you're using a ship that takes two days to jump- such as a crec. warship, or pretty much every good UE or Voinian ship, you'll have to downgrade to at least a lazira, as the first mission is timed.

      After that, go to the South tip Station, located at the Southern tip of the galaxy..well, a little to the west of it. (Hense the name.) The system is located beneath the Human-renegade-area nebula. Go in the bar, and join the fun.

      Best of Luck,

      To each his own,