But what's "scope?"
Scope: Can either be a name-brand mouthwash or it can refer to the range of things that can actually be accomplished and/or pursued(ie, limited number of quests, limited exploration, limited story involvement, etc).
I'll let you decide which definition you want to apply to my comments... 
Also, I barely have a new enough computer, so is there anything I should do to help the game run well?
Out of curiousity what type of computer are you running?
Some tips for any system, besides not running other applications, are things like run POG in full screen mode(running in windows is intensive) and allocate as much RAM as you can to the POG application.
I personally am running POG on a PowerPC 9600/233(which has a non-G3 or G4 chip. It has a 604e chip, last of the powerpcs). I have recently upgraded my memory from 176MB to 432MB of RAM(although this is actually do to the fact that I wanted to be able to run POG and Coldstone at the same time I had graphics tools loaded as well as Netscape and an IRC program to talk to other developers all at the same time. heh). I allocate 100MB of RAM to POG and it seems to chug right along happily. I used to get slow downs and super-lag when saving my game, but this has been fixed with the 1.0.1 update.
Good luck.
"In the mornings, when I'm usually wide awake, I love to take a walk through the gardens and down by the lake, where I often see a duck and a drake, and I wonder as I walk by, just what they'd say if they could speak although I know that's an absurd thought."
-- Conjunction Junction by Schoolhouse Rock