Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
Wait, we're confusing newbies and idiots. Some of the annoying newbies have been with us nearly a month or more, and they are still called newbies? People who come to the board, then gain respect and power (like me. Heh, j/k. I'm really an old timer in disguise...) aren't considered newbies anymore. We DO, however, consider people newbies when they are just plain morons. Newbies should only be considered newbies if they haven't been on longer then a week or so, I mean, how long does it take to learn the simple edicute (or lack of?) on this board, such as reading other posts on a certain subject before spamming the board with yet another pointless topic.
I call on you not to blur the line between complete fool and newbie. Wraith, mx big kestral (thank god he left) etc. have (or had) been with us a good chunk of time. They're not newbies anymore. They're just annoying, unlikable people.
People who come to the board for a sole month and then expect to be regulars, it just doesn't work that way. Sorry. In my opinion time has a little to do with it, they have to be here a while, I know some people who've been here for like since late 96 when the disc board was set up. And have been playing longer, and I'm sure theres one of them, if they were still around, who I would call a newbie. Simply because some people just don't get it. I would say that being a "regular" you would need to be here more than 3 months, because a wide variety of things happen during that time, and a regular knows about most of these things. What's happening behind the scenes and all.
So you may start to feel like you know everything, but not yet, keep at it, positive attitude and all that, and of course a defining personality that isn't rude or mean. Then you can become a regular.
As for oldie, well you've got to be here for a few years
before EVO at least.