I just thought of something that I've wanted since EV, since my first escort actually, i've always wanted to beable to outfit my escorts (that goes for fighters to), it would open up so many possabilaties, for inctance, hire/capture a cres' warship, sell all it's stuff (maybe keep a turret or two) and put cargo expansions on it - poof - you now have a super tough freighter. it would also allow fighters to be more effective, because you could have 5 UE Fighters with 4 Nuetron cannons, now THAT would be mean, or even meaner, Azdaras with nuetron cannons
on side note: I think it would be cool to beable to tell your escorts to attack like fighters
- Mordon
Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.