I'm in a nice mood ;). Ferazel may only have a conversation with objects who's sprite IDs are 2951-2999. This number comes from their ID in the Ferazel's Wand Sprite file not their MASCOT sprite designation. They are all grouped together in MASCOT starting with Greitoutious (I can never spell that ;)) To make a conversation, go to the "select/edit conversation" under the "World" menu. Enter a number. Usually keep conversations all numerical, I started mine with 200 since that's where Ambrosia started theirs. To make a conversation associated with a speakable object, enter the conversation's ID into the first info field of that sprite. To make a conversation, first enter the name of the first speaker, and the sprite ID of his/her face (use ResEdit to scan them) and then type text into the third box, that all sounds easy right? The text will then advance to the next line, with the next speaker, ect. However, conversations can preform some pretty complex actions:
These are if actions. They test to see if something is or is not.
The number before them is what you enter into the first if box. Where it says (arg) is where you insert a number into the first info field or (arg2) for the second. For the first one, for instance, the number you enter into the first info field will be the number of coins Ferazel must have.
1: true if player has (arg) coins or more
2: true if player has item of type (arg) and quantity (arg2) or more
4: true if flag # (arg) is set (Used only within individual conversation)
5: true if player permflag # (arg) is set to (arg2) (Used gamewide)
If the condition(s) prove true, the conversation heads to the goto line specified in IF. If it is false (or if no conditions were specified beforehand), it a) executes any actions given it, and goes to the goto in ELSE. You cannot have a true IF statement while executing the actions in ELSE; you will need to goto a seperate line to do so. The actions that can be performed:
1: remove (arg) coins
2: give player item of type (arg) (arg2: quantity)
3: remove item of type (arg)
4: set permanent flag # (arg)
5: set player permflag # (arg) to (arg2)
(1, 2, or 3)
6: open rock barrier ((arg) = 0, (arg2) = 3; this opens all rock barriers in the level with the first info field as 0)
8: permanently validate sprite (arg) on level (arg2)
9: destroy this sprite permanently
If you want to execute a line's action(s) but not display its text, give a goto value with a negative sign preceding.
A final note, the (arg) value used to specify an item that Ferazel might have to have given or taken away from him does not use the sprite ID code. There are only 26 items that Ferazel may have in his invintory so use this code:
1. silver key
2. gold key
3. plat key,
4. magic potion
5. health potion
6. Fire nuts
7. Locket
8. Hammer
9. Poppy Muffin
10. Algernon Peice
11. Algernon Frame
12. Algernon
14. Shield
15. Magic Shield
16. Smite Ring
17. Escape Ring
18. Ice Pick
19. Multi Crystal
20. Light Orb
21. Vorpal Dirk
22. Red Xichrons
23. Rez Necklace
24. Fire Charm
25. Mist Potion
26. Zir. Seeds
Does that answer your question?
Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 04-21-2001).)