is it possible to be on the voinian's good side so that one day you have access to the Dreadnaught?
is it possible to be on the voinian's good side so that one day you have access to the Dreadnaught?
To get the Dreadnought, you have to get the Voinian mission string. You can't have done any MILITARY missions for the UE, but it's okay if you attacked or destroyed Voinian ships. To get the missions, go to the bar on Pax in the Dogover system (southwest Human space). Good luck!
Originally posted by Porkness:
**is it possible to be on the voinian's good side so that one day you have access to the Dreadnaught?
Unfortunatly, you cannot get the Dreadnought or even see it in action if you work for the Voinians. But doing the Voinian missions is VERY fun...and evil
(This message has been edited by Ubermann (edited 06-02-2000).)
Yeah. Of course you could always do the mission-aborting thingy to allow you to board it. Then CAPTURE IT AND DESTROY ALL muhahahahah
ok, i have done the first two missions involving stealing cargo and destroying a diplomatic ship, but now the only missions that i can find deal only with transporting cargo. what bar do i hafta go to in order to meet another contact?
one more thing. Mad bomber, you actually captured the Dreadnaught??????? with what ship??
S.S. Huge Whoopass over and out.
(This message has been edited by Porkness (edited 06-07-2000).)