Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New plug what do you want it to be about?

      I have a freind and hes into programing and he said that if i could come up with a good idea he would make it. I am bad at ideas and all the ones ive suggested he didn't like. so put down your idea and il tell him 🙂

      ... and on the ninth day God said screw this im tired im gonna do something worth my time.

    • I've heard of a Star Wars plug before. However, they stopped giving them out I think. Try a Phantom Manace one. You know. Change the ships looks and planets names and you've got a plug!!

      A cheat plug would be nice (just for kicks ;))

      You should also try to start out as another race besides human. I think a good challenging one would be to start out as an Izdagari. You would have to start out completly alone in a war filled universe. Since you are an Izdagari, you can't really reach out to people, and all the other strands will hate you as well. I think this idea for a plug is great!

      Feel the Jive
      They triiiiiiiiiiied to kill him with a fork-lift!!


    • You could make one which is a legitamite continuation of the UE-Voinian war to it's final conclusion, including massive battle scenes. I think it would be really cool if the Voinians made a last-ditch, all-out attack on the sol system.

      Similar things could be done for all the various rivalries.

      Make a hole with the gun perpendicular to the name of this town on a desktop globe. Exit wound in a foreign nation, showing the home of the one this was written for.