hello. my name's kelly and i live in london. i have only played evo for a little while. my ship is a cressent waship and it really kicks! i am just saying hello to everyone espeshely the boyz hehe.
love kelly.
hello boyz...
hello. my name's kelly and i live in london. i have only played evo for a little while. my ship is a cressent waship and it really kicks! i am just saying hello to everyone espeshely the boyz hehe.
love kelly.
hello boyz...
Wow! Not many people make an introduction. A rather large amount tend to be rude and annoying right from the start. Well, since you've been polite so far, welcome.
If you live in the present, then every moment is a new begining - A Dove chocolate wrapper
Micah L (Aeon Productions), (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com
hello. I hope the boards are as entertaing as a chicken with Chris Evens' head. Concerning you sig...hello Kelly
"...but I was very, very drunk at the time..." - Someone, somewhere.
"You guys line up alphabetically by height." - Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach
Hello, I hope you have a wonderful time on the 'boards. I have so far( I'm kinda new as well).
You did WHAT???? I got put.
This brings the number of females on the board to 6.
Welcome. Stay. Post. Make plug-ins. Whatever else.
"I never use shampoo with milk or eggs. These are imperialist ideas" - Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/octoberfost/chatroom.html")Unoffical EV/O Chatroom(/url)
Hi. Welcome. Stay.
OpenGL Avara!
AIM: EVAndrewM
Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?
Waz^ Kelly?! I'm new too. Just signed up yeterday. Finally someone I can talk to who isn't a veteran on the board. I suggest you read the Tell a Story... post. It takes a couple hours so do it on your free time. It is kind of weird but fun in it's own way. Also be sure to start your own quotes (I'm still working on mine (see below)). I hope you have fun on the board and be sure to reply to my posts any time ;). Remember. Stay.
Feel the Jive
"Ahoy Armstrong 53!"
"Up yours S.S. Happy Endings!!!"
Yeah, stay, whatever, there are lots of "boyz" here. 'Course, some of them are computer games nerds.
Notice I said "Some of them!" Don't flame me, ok?
Formerly COpperman - #29 on the Periodic Table
Posted by Sierra:
'Course, some of them are computer games nerds.
And your point is...
I like people. They taste like chicken.
Been a while since a new girl has signed on. Glad to see the game has a slightly more diverse userbase than it had a month ago, a year ago, etc.
BTW Jive 320: If you can find more than 10 "veterans" I'll give you a lollipop. And I mean "veterans" from the time of Simsu and Sky.
A year? Forge, (capitolized because of begining of sentance) you're high on something mighty powerful.
Basilisk, formerly BubbleGirl, and Jude, formerly Jude, are not quite a year old yet.
Chick: "I don't know to use a gun!"
Guy: "Ever use a camera? Same basic princible: Point and shoot."
-- From an unknown movie trailer I saw ages ago.
You are from london?
Me too. (it good to see more Brit's out here)
Have fun with EVO!!!
Up the brits! Up the norfolk boys (only me :frown:)
Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle
--"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach
Man walks into a bar...you finish it
Originally posted by Skunko7:
**A year? Forge, (capitolized because of begining of sentance) you're high on something mighty powerful.
Basilisk, formerly BubbleGirl, and Jude, formerly Jude, are not quite a year old yet.
Wow, that must make me some kind of genius! A child prodigy!
But Skunko's right, I joined last summer.
thanx for your welcome! two questions though. what is a plug-in? octoberfrost said to make plug-ins but i don't know what it is. i have played evo for a little while and have never heard of one. alos, how do you do those little faces? they look funny. one last question. i am stuck on this miranu mission. i am doing the miranu missions where you have to go into the proxoma (sp?) nebula, and i have to get rid of these renedages. i have one crescent warship with like, 100 sads but even they can't take on about 20 other crecsent warships. how can i do it?
love kelly.
hello boyz...
Originally posted by Kelly:
**thanx for your welcome! two questions though. what is a plug-in? octoberfrost said to make plug-ins but i don't know what it is. i have played evo for a little while and have never heard of one. alos, how do you do those little faces? they look funny. one last question. i am stuck on this miranu mission. i am doing the miranu missions where you have to go into the proxoma (sp?) nebula, and i have to get rid of these renedages. i have one crescent warship with like, 100 sads but even they can't take on about 20 other crecsent warships. how can i do it?
love kelly.
A plug-in is a file which put new things in the game, go to the add-on thing on the EVO wed site!
To make one: get the Ev-edit from the web site
look in the Smilies Legend
thanx! i now have magma. it looks great! i can't make a plug-in though. it looks too hard. and thanx for the smilies!
thanx to everyone for a great welcome. you're all so sweet!
love kelly.
hello boyz...
Well, Kelly, before you make plugs, you certainly have to play the game some more, in addition to playing some good plugs other people have made. What I might suggest to you are Martin Turner's Frozen Heart (it's good) and Femme Fatale (I heard it's good, and it's made specially for a female pilot). What I might also suggest is to get EV, (the original) because there are many more plugs for EV than EVO.
And the Developer's Board is the place to go to if you ever decide to be a plug developer. It is quite fun.
God. Root. What is difference?
AIM: obormot345
i already have ev. i have completed the rebel alien stuuf, and some pirate stuff, but that's it. anyway, frozen heart is like 6 meg of download, and i simply can't be bothered. i'll get the femme fatale thing, if it's for women.
so, thanx again!
love kelly.
hello boyz...
Welcome to our humble webboard kelly.
Hey! Someone who's actually nice!! Go the colonies! OZ forever. Can i ask 2 things. By boyz do you mean like homies and stuff cause homies are just funny bastards man. I got all these korean homie friends and there just... funny (Ha ha funny). Back to earth now... I like OZ does anyone else like Oz?
"How can i make it go faster"?
The captain of the
A.S.S. Phoenix