What would win of an Azadari Warship and the Voinian Dreadnought?
The fighters count! So if the Dreadnought kills the warship, but then it and it큦 fighters get큦 killed by the Azadari fighters the Azadari would win. And
that큦 the rules). So what do you think, I don큧 know, maby the Dreadnought.
Azadari VS Voinian
15 25 359
No contest, the dreadnought would win, it has 15000 (1500 in ship yard units) it would take the fighters around 4 hours to kill the dreadnaught, but those nuetron cannons and R. turrets pack a punch (3 rockets launch at once) so the dreadnaught would win, even with the new AI in 1.0.2, the dreadnought would still win.. in my opinion Azdaras are HIGHLY overrated, and Vonian stuff HIGLY underrated, i mean, the V. Cruiser has as much armor as the Igazra does shields, and armor is MUCH more usefull than shields.
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------------------- Mordon
Duct tape is like the force, it has a light side and a dark side and it holds the universe together.
- Mordon
I'm concurring with the general concensus in this string. Phase and other Crescent weaponry don't do well against armour, while rockets and neutron weapons do quite well against shielding.
BTW: People taste more like pork, not chicken.
One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.Time is visible in all places.
Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.
In this world, a second is a second is a second.
Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.
Time is an infinite ruler.
Time is absolute.
With the proper modifications and an escort of UE Destroyers, an Azdara can be fatal to a Dreadnaught. I've destroyed the dreadnaught in one. It's easy if you practice on V. Crusiers first and don't have strict play on.
"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.AOL/AIM-Nador26
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost
Originally posted by Skunko7:
**With the new AI, the V dread would die.~S~
I seriously doubt that. I had two Azadari warships fight a dreadnought, and the dreadnought won. When the new AI comes out the dreadnought will still smoke the Azadari. Also don't forget to look at the numbers.
I personaly go "hurray for the Azdara" I tend to like fast, quick, efficient fighters that needs quick reflexes to fly. Of course in EV it is not like your holding onto a joystick for dear life in an Azdara, but it does need some getting used to, since it is pretty fast.
...If only the Azdara had a paint job like the UE fighter...
Well, just to look cooler. If the Azdara is the most manuverable and fastest ship in EVO, the sprites should be a bit more decoritive. You know how the UE Fighter looks. It has that texture of red mixed in with black. That would look awsome on the Azdara. And, maybe, If you were to make a plug in or something, you could even change the foreground color. Instead of being red and black, it could be blue and black (like that cool viper and fang ships that are appearing in some plugs), or maybe green and black. What? Are you going to edit the sprites in Photoshop or something?
I think the Azdara is the best shp in EV:Override (besides the miranu gunship and Dreadnought) when upgraded. It's &%$*ing fast, and you can outrun and dodge every missle thrown at you. You strafe until you have low shields, mthen run away and let them recharge, repeat. However, flying it takes some getting used to. It's the Tachyonic Fighter (speed-wise) of EV:O.
"Where'd you get those
coconuts?" -
I think the Azdara is the best shp in EV:Override (besides the miranu gunship and Dreadnought) when upgraded. It's &%$*ing fast, and you can outrun and dodge every missle thrown at you. You strafe until you have low shields, then run away and let them recharge, repeat. However, flying it takes some getting used to. It's the Tachyonic Fighter (speed-wise) of EV:O.
don't try flying an azdara with the caps lock key on! HOLY SH◎!!!! i put dospect armor in my azdara, then SAE's, tractor beam, and blaze cannons / turrets. took out two crescent warships that were right next to each other. it's fun catching an azdara with the tractor beam when you're flying an azdara too, btw. you gotta do a tappity-tap-tap soft touch with the accelerator key w/ the azdara, that's all.
"hi i'm larry flint, welcome to bible hour" - Drew Carey(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net")mailto:funky_cheeze@usa.net(/url)funky_cheeze@usa.net -
Hang on, lemme get this straight. How, OctobeerFost, did you manage to fit a Tractor beam, 10 tons, an SAE launcher, 20+ tons and Dospect armoour, 20 tons, on an azdara, which has 21 tons of weapons space, plus no space for an expansion. Also, why did you put BLAZE weapons on a ship which already has swivel phase cannons. If you a fighting the Voinians, then put Emalgha cannons. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, please tell me. If not, stop putting stuff like that on the board. If newbies take your advise, then many an azdara will have to be re-sold in order to try and change the mistakes. Don't flame me for this. If you do flame me just for critizising you, then I shall flame you for every post you send. Nothing personal.
The interceptors are just targets? They have shot rockets at me once so I am wary of them. The V. Dread. would win this fight. No upgrades and the match is AI vs AI the Dread. would win. If it is human vs AI it is a totally different story. I have defeated the Dread. in a Krait( I ditched the Krait a little later for a better ship ). The Azadari could win in the hands of a skilled pilot but not in the hands of AI. Question for all- what ship should I buy now??
I did really good on my driver's exam. I knocked down all the cones. -
Originally posted by Shadow:
What would win of an Azadari Warship and the Voinian Dreadnought?
The fighters count! So if the Dreadnought kills the warship, but then it and it큦 fighters get큦 killed by the Azadari fighters the Azadari would win. And
that큦 the rules). So what do you think, I don큧 know, maby the Dreadnought.If I were an Adzgari Warship against a computer Dreadnought, I would win, of course. Vise versa too.
If they were both computer, the Dreadnought would win. If both were human players, who knows?
If with default weapons, that's another story.
In conclusion, there's no knowing unless you're more specific.
In my opinion, Adgari will DOMINATE!!!
Adzgari Visionary, Leader of Squadron Firebird, Garit Fleet Commander, Azdara Stunt Pilot"You call this fast?!"
Adzy trying to buy an A. Warship -
Originally posted by Bad Temper:
Hang on, lemme get this straight. How, OctobeerFost, did you manage to fit a Tractor beam, 10 tons, an SAE launcher, 20+ tons and Dospect armoour, 20 tons, on an azdara, which has 21 tons of weapons space, plus no space for an expansion. Also, why did you put BLAZE weapons on a ship which already has swivel phase cannons. If you a fighting the Voinians, then put Emalgha cannons. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, please tell me. If not, stop putting stuff like that on the board. If newbies take your advise, then many an azdara will have to be re-sold in order to try and change the mistakes. Don't flame me for this. If you do flame me just for critizising you, then I shall flame you for every post you send. Nothing personal.:)
I never claimed any of those upgrades. Here's waht I put on my Azdara. Both Blaze AND Emalgha cannons, LOTS and LOTS of needles (999). It takes a while and LOTS of practice, but it is fun. Don't consider this flamming.
"You can make something idiot proof, but someone else can make a better idiot"AIM/AOL-Nador26
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost