Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I hoped it wouldn't be like this.

      I had hoped that with the introduction of these new boards that Ambrosia had taken an interest in moderating the board content themselves. I'd also assumed that people would notice the EV Banter and Brawl section and use that, I guess not.

      I used to make posts like this periodically on the real boards whenever I thought that it was getting to be more of a place for uneducated heathens than people who wanted to actually discuss the game and possibilities for it. Granted, a little spam is fine to keep the whole board interesting and not just dry posts about which resource would work best for what.

      I think that these boards have reached a point of no return now. The influx of newbies is too great, more than was ever even imagined on the real boards. This has grown to the point where bickering is higher than I have ever seen it, even nash didn't give us this much crap to put up with. Besides, he was at least reasonably smart.

      For the love of the game and all that is has helped fuel in the Macintosh community, make this the place that it is supposed to be.

      One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

      Time is visible in all places.

      Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

      In this world, a second is a second is a second.

      Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

      Time is an infinite ruler.

      Time is absolute.

    • actually, i've noticed a serios reduction in spam since the new boards were intruduced, as for overwhelming newbies.... that's a bad thing? the more the merrier, you just cought the board at a bad time πŸ˜› anyways i'm hoping that this will be over by tomorrow...


    • Quote

      Mordon wrote:
      **actually, i've noticed a serios reduction in spam since the new boards were intruduced, as for overwhelming newbies.... that's a bad thing? the more the merrier, you just cought the board at a bad time:p anyways i'm hoping that this will be over by tomorrow...

      Nicely put and yeah let's hope it all blows over soon. If not, those moderators may have to do some moderating.


    • Caught the board at a bad time? To me it seems that this whole fiasco has been a bad thing from the start. And no, newbies are not a bad thing, but stupid ones are.

      I don't care if they have relevant questions or want to talk about something computer related, but to just start three or four strings full or insults? That's crossing the line in my book.

      By the way, I don't recall you from the real offical, or the unoffical boards.

      One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

      Time is visible in all places.

      Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

      In this world, a second is a second is a second.

      Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

      Time is an infinite ruler.

      Time is absolute.

    • It's all Mx big idiot and Capitan hector must DIE's fault(s). They are powerful forces of stupidity and evil, they act the same, but the hate each other. Sorta like Hitler and Stalin. (Yes, I am comparing them to evil genocidal dictators for a reason)

      "The toilet is over there"

      -Stalin at the Yalta confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


      Yahoo! Messenger:OctoberFost

    • Quote

      OctoberFost wrote:
      It's all Mx big idiot and Capitan hector must DIE's fault(s). They are powerful forces of stupidity and evil, they act the same, but the hate each other. Sorta like Hitler and Stalin. (Yes, I am comparing them to evil genocidal dictators for a reason)

      Like I told you on AIM mx big kestrel is just half an ass. Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!! is a complete bastard.

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

    • Quote

      forge wrote:
      By the way, I don't recall you from the real offical, or the unoffical boards.

      I'm an erradic oldie, i'm not sure how long i've been with EV but it was at least 6-8 months befor EVO came out, i keep getting uninterested in EV/O than coming back to one or the other... gennerally i get uninterested in 'em when my bro comes home from college, cause i can play MythII, StarCraft, Unreal, etc., on his G3.... i had just visted the board befor it changed and i was freaked out when i visted it the next day....


    • I have a confession to make:I am becoming more and more like mx BK and CHMD!!! If I seemed bad,then sorry.SORRY.Official apology.Anything I say now on the board will be about EVO.And as for those two idiots,here is a message for you:

    • 1500 letters isn't that long - most people exceed it daily.


      Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

      Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

    • So you can't handle anyone who tries to add some inteligent discussion to these boards.
      You can debate about how bad I am but I am still better than you!


    • Exactly what "intelligent" discussions have you brought? You've only caused multiple flame wars.

      tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

    • Hmm you're better than us. What an arrogant claim after all, the Nazis claimed they were better than the average human being, too

      And intelligent discussion? How is insulting people at random, pissing off the most of the boards' most prominent personalities (including me), and starting on the path of the newbie by pitting the Alien Cruiser against the Voinian Dreadnought intelligent?

      If you actually are this insensitive and arrogant in real life, you either need counseling, or you must be a politician.

      "Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
      - Groucho Marx

    • I hate suffering fools.


    • Quote

      Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!! wrote:
      **I hate suffering fools.


      There'd be less suffering if you weren't an ass like that.


      "Scorpion petting zoo-
      Innovative concepts in exposing city kids to nature."
      -Gary Larson

      (url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

    • I am merely defending myself from people who are attacking me...

      :frown: :frown: :frown:


    • Quote

      Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!! wrote:
      I am merely defending myself from people who are attacking me...

      And yet you attack everyone for no apparent reason? You're a hypocrite.

      OpenGL Avara!

      AIM: EVAndrewM

      "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

    • Forge, why do you even bother coming here anymore? The last strain of intelligent thought on any of the EV boards died under the pressure of a thousand whiny, self-centered newbies well over a year ago. Maybe two, it's hard to say.
      If you put two weasels in a box, one weasel will kill the other. Unless they're severely retarded, in which case they'll simply sit there and insult each other for hours on end. Which proves my point about the board.
      Actually it doesn't, but the fact that my above paragraph made no sense at all doesn't deter from the fact that you're all a bunch of morons, and that the lot of you and all the egocentric preteen ****s like you should die in a horribly painful shooting spree committed by the last sane person on earth.
      That much said, I think this board is a lovely place for children of ages nine to twelve to become totally obsessed with stupidities, inflate their egos by telling everyone their IQ score and how much of a genius they must be, and in all other ways become idiots I'll have to deal with in my every day life.

      Also note that any replies made to this message won't reach me, because frankly I don't give a flying **** at the moon as to what anyone says on this board. You're all a bunch of self-centered little pricks who are completely and totally sure that they are the chosen ones, and that the world is out to get them because it's jealous of their overpowering greatness... and why not? You are completely justified in belittling others as long as you can take over Sol, or whatever the **** it is you think you can do. No matter how long you stay here you will be newbies, because frankly some people are just newbies for life. There are exceptions... occasionally one of you is even cool. But it won't be you, most likely.

      Oh, and CF... calling someone a Nazi is perhaps the most clichΓ© insult still in existance, save perhaps "doody head". It screams "I think I'm an intellectual!" However, you're moderately cool, unlike most of these people, so I won't penalize you too heavily for it.

      Additionally, this message probabaly won't be here long anyway, because Andrew Welch is Hitler.

    • Hmm the good captain seems to have been humbled enough - maybe he'll reform.

      "Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will have me as a member."
      - Groucho Marx

    • I agree with Sparks. I used to be a regular board person (I went under the name 'Nobody' at the time), though I haven't been for something close to two years. The reason for this is probably obvious for anyone who has been around for a while. The golden days are over, and (not like there really IS an anymore) is just another run of the mill wanna-be fest. I'm sure there are exeptions, the nature of EV (and to a lesser extent, EVO) would make sure there were at least a few handful of intelligent people, but I still think the place to remain are the hotline servers and IRC channels where I heard about this from.
      Ambrosia has also done a horible job with the EV community. This place is now nothing more than a sales pitch. I'd always assumed the death of EV would be through dwindling numbers and eventual dead air, but this is really worse, at least in a sense.
