Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • 1.0.2 :)

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      I just thought I'd post a snippet of one beta tester's comments on the new, improved combat AI in EVO 1.0.2b2:

      (1) New combat AI. Holy Guacamole does it make things difficult.
      It is going to make breaking through blockades incredibly tough (...)
      No more Monty Python, and fighters now scare the crap out of you!!
      I cannot tell you how much I love it!
      Now people will actually have to be very skilled to perform the
      age-old 'Monty-Python' maneuver. I tried it several time on an
      Igazra (?sp) while I was flying in a Crescent Warship, and of
      about 15 attempts, it actually worked once. It makes fighters
      deadly (5 Krait actually took me down in the said Crescent Warship,
      but at a cost of 3 Krait; of course, my later attempts were more
      successful, but never again will a player sneer at a group of
      incoming fighters).

      mcb ๐Ÿ™‚

      Matt Burch | "If it's not on fire, it's a software problem." | [
      ...---------------](<br />

    • Wholly crap...still no release date estimate though. Sounds great. Can't wait.

      ~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
      "Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

    • What, specifically, is this "Monty Python" tactic I've been seen mentioned a lot lately. Perhaps I've already been using it; perhaps it's something that I should know. Can someone describe it to me and suggest when it's most effective?

    • The Monty Python tactic is a way to attack ships without getting hurt yourself.
      First, to do it well you need a ship faster than your opponents but it will work with slower ships just not as well
      Next stay just in range of his long range weapons so he/she fires them at you but you should have time to escape them. Once he/she uses all of their secondary weapons you have to fly by your them and get them to chase you. Then,turn around and face them and slow down just enough to let them catch up to you at a very slow rate. Once they are in your screen turn back around and speed up just enough so that they are not catching you and you are not leaving them behind.
      If they are far enough away they won't fire and so when you open fire with your guns you can keep hitting them without them damaging you. It is best against large, slow and powerful warships

      I'll be looking foward to version 1.0.2 so keep up the good work. I love small fighters so more power to them

      Only a few can survive true vengeance and they are my friends

    • Well, if Monty Python is useless, how 'bout my manuver that I've been using since EV 1.0.0? (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000303.html(/url)

      Andrew M, fleet admiral of the Na'jan'tรฉ interstellar fleet.

      Website: (url="http://"")

      E-mail: (url="http://"")

    • Quote

      Andrew M wrote:
      **Well, if Monty python is useless, how 'bout my manuver that I've been using since EV 1.0.0?http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/000303.html

      More accurate turrets on big ships nullify that a little (I'm not sure if I'm meant to mention this), so while you can still do the 'orbit maneuver', it too is less useful. Of course the orbit maneuver doesn't work so well on ships more maneuverable than yourself anyway, so it wont work on fighters too well (unless you're in a fighter yourself, and even then I think the new AI will make them just unpredictable enough to be difficult). EVO1.0.2b2 still has a few minor bugs, but there is a lot to like and look forward to.

      Rubs hands together in hopeful ominous anticipation


    • heh, my miranu freighter turned warship works great for that monty python thing. i fight some ships that way, didn't know it was the monty python maneuver thing ๐Ÿ˜‰

      "what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
      "a stick."

      (url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
      ~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

    • Much crunchewy goodness in new Override. Stand by...

    • Harder combat. Whoopee. I'm sure everyone is for that, but there still has to be some maneuvers, maybe new ones that have been made because of this harder AI.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging it, as I haven't seen it yet. I just think that some maneuvers will still work. Sure, the monty python has been abolished. So? Who used that anyway if they were proficient enough to use phase cannons?

      Maybe I'm just bigheaded about my own superior flying skills. Maybe this is just what I need.

      Then again, it's not like I have net access on my mac, so I won't be getting this new override for a while.

      BTW, sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just stating the truth.

      Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

      Maybe I should call.

    • Sounds great.

      I can hardly believe that the legendary Matt Burch, supreme god of EV/O, has deigned this humble board worthy to post to. Maybe he'll even start replying.

      "I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
      -Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

    • That was low, ColdFusion. The man's busy; leave him be.

    • Quote

      pipeline wrote:
      Much crunchewy goodness in new Override. Stand by...

      uh huh ๐Ÿ˜‰
      so when's evo 1.02 avalible? april or so?

      "what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
      "a stick."

      (url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
      ~ Robin ( (url="http://"")

    • Anybody use the Manta Run? I named it (mantas in EV). What you do is you run right past the ship, firing turrets. You repeat & repeat (etc) until it's disabled. Then you go in for the kill.

      ๐Ÿ™‚ Max B-H
      Current plug-in project: Arena Plus

    • **That was low, ColdFusion. The man's busy; leave him be.

      In CF's defense:

      Hey now, CF might not have meant for it to sound that way. I think he's just glad that MB is working on the update and was suprised (after so much waiting) to see not only progress on it but MB take the time to post comments about it (which means it must be good, and it is, I assure you).

      In pipeline's defense:

      Yep, i agree, MB is one damn busy dude. Just not too busy I hope to look for a certain email coming his way later tonight...


      Can't we all just get along? If not, lets settle this with a duel to the death, I'll arrange the place and sell tickets!

      CS, who's not quite with it tonight after spending 5 hours today cursing out Res Edit, the creator of boredom with large plugs.

    • Quote

      Captain Scurvy wrote:
      Can't we all just get along? If not, lets settle this with a duel to the death, I'll arrange the place and sell tickets!

      Well, we obviously can't just get along, so let's get this duel together! Oh, and it had better be an unarmed weapon. Fist , er or foot palm heel or elbow or knee, it to the death! But of course I get to call time out when I need to. ๐Ÿ˜‰


      "Cannibals are people to."

      (url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

    • Wanna see my new sig?(hope it works) Just look below this dummy ๐Ÿ˜› Tell me what you think. If its too long, I'll change it, I have lots of made up stupid evo/ev things.


      Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
      ย€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
      ย€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
      ย€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
      ย€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
      ย€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
      ย€Two words: name calling

    • Man oh MAN, I will forever praise the day Override 1.0.2 comes out!!!!!!!!

      Improved AI....fixed beam plug....challenging battles at last....I'll be able to fly a Zidara with pride again....flying a UE Cruiser will once again have meaning.......

      Damn I can't wait. ๐Ÿ™‚



    • Oh yes, Monty Python is a semi-cheap fighting technique used by the pathetic weak to triumph over the strong and mighty. I never use it. ๐Ÿ˜›

      And soon, no one will. ๐Ÿ˜„



    • Quote

      Maridian wrote:
      **Harder combat. Whoopee. I'm sure everyone is for that, but there still has to be some maneuvers, maybe new ones that have been made because of this harder AI.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not bagging it, as I haven't seen it yet. I just think that some maneuvers will still work. Sure, the monty python has been abolished. So? Who used that anyway if they were proficient enough to use phase cannons?

      Maybe I'm just bigheaded about my own superior flying skills. Maybe this is just what I need.

      Then again, it's not like I have net access on my mac, so I won't be getting this new override for a while.

      BTW, sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just stating the truth.


      Another thing, big ships are more than willing to sit off a ways and shoot projectiles at you, and turrets are more accurate, so 'be vewy, vewy qwiet' around big ships. And fighters maneuver so that they stay in range longer (as opposed to flying past at maximum speed then turning around and trying to decelerate in a straight line which inevitably means that they only shoot at you for about 1 sec then spend another 5-10 getting back to you), which means that while it makes single fighters an easier target, groups of them devastating.

      Your skills might be extraordinary, but I would like to see you get out of a Voinian blockade of 5 ships (all appear on top of the spob you're taking off from) in a scoutship with no upgrades and no Afterburner. Possible, but definitely not easy. And if 1.0.2 is good enough (and it will be once mattb has worked out a few relatively minor kinks)m you'll find a way to get your hands on it.


      (This message has been edited by Frandall (edited 03-14-2000).)

    • Thanks for the definitions. I've generally used the "Circle Tactic" either using torpedos and/or turrets when I have an lesser ship ... also generally outrunning or dodging a whole slew of rockets, torpedos, etc, and still being able to attack the Capital Ships (usually several in a good battle). The "Monty Python Tactic" I've used against strong fighters, at least until I capture my Capital Ship and I'm able to just kill them outright.

      It should be mentioned for newer players that, aside from capture strength, one of the greatest aids from escorts and/or on-board fighters is the above mentioned "delay time" of an AI ship switching its attack from you, to one of your escorts, and back. Let the escort put in a couple punches, you put in a couple, the escort, etc. Soon, the opponent is exausted and your damage is surprisingly low.
