Can somebody help me please I want to chat on the EV/O chat
with IRCLE I downloaded it and now?????
The Rebel wrote:
**Can somebody help me please I want to chat on the EV/O chat
with IRCLE I downloaded it and now?????
Please use a little more punctuation (sp?) next time. Anyways, make sure you're connected to an efnet server and type "/msg GreenYO invite #ev". Just wait until you get invited, then type "/join #ev".
Micah L (Aeon Productions) , (url="http://"")
The Rebel wrote:
**Can somebody help me please I want to chat on the EV/O chat
with IRCLE I downloaded it and now?????
What he said. A good EFNet Server is or
By the way, as a bit of advice from me to you: Change your nickname. "Rebel" is a person who is quite disliked in the EV community. He, at one point, caused the Web Board to be taken offline.