I had the great fortune of previewing ferazel's wand a long time ago, when it was in development, but I never ended up playing the full version. I really should register it one of these days, it's once of Ambrosia's best games.
In the preview version I played there was one really cool level, which was pretty much just a vertical tunnel, that wound back and forth. Now if most sidescrollers a vertical tunnel (it had some slopes going right and left) would be pretty dumb, but in Ferazel's wand you could climb walls really easily (one of the things I loved about the game) and so it made climbing up the tunnel (or were you descending, i can't remember) very interesting. I just thought the level design was really cool, although the in version I played the level wasn't finished, there was just the tunnel, no monsters or items or anything else. Was such a level every put into the cave section of the game?
Also is it true to that Ferazel has a love intrest? I saw a sketch drawing of her once and she looked really cool. But I haven't heard much mention of her since.