Originally posted by Aussie:
**Zelda - In one of Ferazel's posts, I said this:
Moderators, raise my karma! :mad:
Then, I received a warning e-mail telling me that I shouldn't say such a thing.
I trashed the e-mail, so I don't remember who the moderator was, however, next time I signed on, -1 :frown:
That's also the post where you said some negative things about Ben Spees, as I recall. Generally not a wise thing to do.
I didn't lower your karma, but I think I understand a bit more why someone did. Asking for karma isn't good. Running down a game developer or ANYONE isn't good either. Just stay clean for a bit and your karma will go back up.
If that ever happens again, you really need to take note of the moderator so if you disagree about your warning, you can mail him/her and discuss it.
All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless