Originally posted by MonsterLady:
**But I've already talked to Nimbo - AND gave him back his money. Do I have to visit again??
Yeah. Unfortunately, this is a bug. If you took Nimbo's stash, the trigger that allows Dimbo to recognize you won't work unless you talk to Nimbo a second time. You have to have that second conversation even though after you give him the money he asks you at that time to help him find his brother. You leave thinking everything is fine. But if you go back, Nimbo will act as if he doesn't know you either.
The solution is that you have to talk to Nimbo again and get the whole "My poor brother, help me find him," conversation. That sets off the trigger. If you know about it before hand, all you have to do is walk away from Nimbo after you give him the money and then approach him again. It's not so fun to find out about it after you've already found Dimbo for the first time. I hated Labyrinth for a long time and would NOT have wanted to go back. I feel your pain! But I hope this helps.
The difference between men and women is simple: men are insane and women are idiots.