Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Lack of Money???

      I am trying to get thru Iconoclasm (over and over again) question is why is it that when I get to Cedric (?) and try to purchase fire seeds, his response is that I do not have any money. The register on the screen indicates that I have at least 668 coins, but it doesn't work. Any thoughts?


    • Hello!

      Yeah, I had a tough time with Iceconoslasm too, and apparantly you don't have the update to the game. You can get it at:

      After you download the 1.0.3 update, Cedric will give you fire seeds for what he says he will. Good luck! 🙂


    • Quote

      Originally posted by JJimWWhite:

      Yeah, I had a tough time with Iceconoslasm too, and apparantly you don't have the update to the game.


      I didn't have the update to the game, either, and I can tell you I sure wish I had taken the time to download it earlier. For one thing, there are about three more saves in Flash Freeze. There was a segment there that was really really hard to get through without the saves. I replayed Flash Freeze (what a drag!) for various reasons and I found it 100 times more pleasurable with the extra saves, not to mention easier. then, of course, Cedric took my money in iceconoclasm.
