Can anyone tell me if there's a way to get into that huge stash of multi-crystals, pentashields, and a heart, that is at the top of the cavern filled with Xichrons, after you FINALLY get across the white mines with enough life to go on!? I mean, can you get into it from WITHIN that cavern, or do you suddenly pop in there from somewhere else in the Flash Freeze level? Or...?
Also, I was going to ask a question about something else, but now I forgot what it was! I have been able to progress through Flash Freeze until I get the high jump power up, and I get up the wall fine, and have figured out the timing well enough to get through that next stretch and not get knocked into the freezing water until almost the end, where I can run out real fast and still have some health left over. I remember all that really well, because I had to do it over and over again (what else is new?).
But I think my question had to do with what comes next, so does anyone have a handle on that? I'm going to go back and try the game again, but won't come back here tonight. I may be asking again tomorrow!
Thanks to everyone for all the aid. Sure wish I could get through as fast as some of you seem to be going!