HI! heres a new question (couldnĀ“t post one by myself Forgot my password...)
anyway i heard a little boy talking about a herb. guy to my ranger so i went up there,
saw the place on the map but not on the screen so i wonder is this a bug and if so how
do I fix it or do iI have to do something before dealing this guy? i can actually see
my white cross in the middle of a tree place thingy!!
2 things to check:
1st - make sure you have the newest version of POG(1.0.1), and have not just downloaded
Trinity to play with the older version of POG(1.0).
2nd - Walk around a bit. Sometimes the names on the map do not coincide perfectly with
the layout of the actual land. So sometimes you may see the name of a guy show up in
the overhead map, but you may need to wander around a short ways to actually find the
person/place/thing that you are looking for.
The spice guy, if I'm thinking what you are describing, is north of a biiiiig rock
with a tree limb sticking out of the top of it. If you go north of that rock you will
see his cart and he's wandering around there somewhere.
Good luck. Let us know if you still can't find him, and we can see about trying to
figure out your problem.
Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.