PrinceOfPersia wrote:
**You can't finish the game without the fixes, so waiting for the update when you actually have the Programmer offering to fix your game for you is a waste of your time.
I loooove it when people tell me what wastes my time. Yes..I need MORE people to do this!
Actually, I want to start over because there are some things I plan on doing differently this time around. And I figure since the update will have some bug fixes and a few other changes, why not just wait for it? I don't mind waiting. Honest. Furthermore, I want to see any and all changes so I'd have to play the game over anyway. Yeah, I know Ben will fix my game if I ask. Yeah, I know it won't take him oodles of amount of time. Yeah, I know I can have it back fast. But I'd rather do it this way. What can I say? I enjoy wasting my time.