I'm comforted! At least I know I'm not a wimp for not being able to finish Labyrinth yet!!! I had some awful problems getting through Hangnabit (levels overlapping and making weird pictures that weren't really there), and there was no way around it. Quitting the game all the way and coming back in, didn't change anything.
So I had to start back on a previously saved game (glad I have learned to save with a different name on the first save after I have quit the game and come back to it!), and once more went through Hangnabit (that's the right spelling, isn't it?). Anyway, that time, I just flew through as fast as I could, because I got so mad at the hang glider the first time, that I almost killed my keyboard! So I got hardly any of the secrets, and didn't kill more any of the baddies the second time through. At least when I got all the way across, there was a save, and I was able to go on from there. Now what frustrates me, is that I can't go back into Hangnabit and try to pick up anything that I left behind (as you can do with all the other levels I've played so far), because the hang glider got left over on the other side! When I re-enter the game...just a cliff...no hang glider! How frustrating.
I didn't care much for Storm Valley, and I never could get up to the top, in the middle, where you have to climb up the flying steps and jump for the cliff, in the midst of the rain and wind that is SO frustrating! Talk about four hours! I tried that part for MORE than four hours, and went back to it several times, but could never QUITE get stuck to the cliff. Then it took me quite a long time to FINALLY push through to the end of that level, and I missed a lot of stuff, but I'm NOT willing to go back in there and face that wind and rain again!
So on to the Labryrinth. In one way, I like it, because I've always loved mazes. But this one is SO intricate, and there are SO many dead ends, and I still haven't figured out how to get that necklace! For awhile, I was saved at a point where I could fairly easily get back to the beginning, then run over to the Goblin Chief's lair where I could refill both health and magic real quickly, then run back to the Labyrinth and quickly lose it all again (sigh). But I managed to forge on after much trial and error, and have now (unfortunately) saved my way into a situation where I have only about 1/2" of health (though plenty of magic), because of what you all have already mentioned. I gather that nobody else has been able to get a bottle of health from the merchant in the first level, after having completed that level, and as you all said, there simply aren't enough places to GET more health in the Labyrinth. For a while there, I was saved right before a "purple pool," and could easily refill there (I had worked out that pathway until it was about ready to fall through, if you know what I mean). But then I got to the place I am now, and I foolishly saved, thinking I MUST be close to he end. No such thing (as far as I can tell). I don't have enough life to get out, so I may have to go back to another previously saved game and go through the ENTIRE Labryrinth again, and I'm NOT looking forward to THAT! 