Has anyone figured out where the ice pick is yet? In Iceconoclasm there's a habnibat who says you can get it from some guy nearer to the surface, and I assumed he meant Flash Freeze, but I just can't find the guy...
Has anyone figured out where the ice pick is yet? In Iceconoclasm there's a habnibat who says you can get it from some guy nearer to the surface, and I assumed he meant Flash Freeze, but I just can't find the guy...
the merchant in that place in flash freze near the end where you have the speed boost and you have to jump from pilliar to pilliar, there is a door on the right hand side of the pilliar. I think it's something like the last pilliar, but I'm not sure, so just look down at every pilliar, and it costs 500 coins. by the way, Have you gotten past that place in iceconoclasm straight to the right of the entrance with the vertical ( | | ) passage covered in spikes? I've tried to clib up it with invincibility but for some reason the game won't let me grab the walls :frown:
"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
I found the ice pick eventually...thanks, though! But that's my next complaint -- I don't know about to do about that wall. I assume you mean the one after the two ice walls that you have to chop up with the pick, across that long frigid lake. I can't climb up it with inivinicibility either -- and after all the time it took to get the invinicibility too! I was thinking that maybe you could climb up with the ice wall spell, but I haven't found it yet...I only have the Ice Crystals spell.
what ice walls? it's just a long lake., then a mace and the tunnel
"Sometimes I think that the surrest sign that there intellegent life elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
Rilla's talking about the same place, GeX. There are two ice walls to chop with the pick just before you get to the lake.
And about the vertical tunnel; Ben has confirmed that this is a bug and will fix your save game file if you mistakenly got Ice Crystals instead of Ice Wall.
"Miren al pepino. Que suaves movimentos. Es como montequilla en un chango pelon." -- Larry the Cucumber
Whoa, seriously, it's a bug? So what, do I just email him my saved game file? And what about other games after this one?
Ben Spees wrote:
I am working on all of these bugs. Here's an important note to anyone who got the Ice Crystals spell in Iceconoclasm and can't get any further: E-MAIL YOUR SAVED GAME FILE to me at (url="http://"mailto:ben@ambrosiasw.com")mailto:ben@ambrosiasw.com(/url)ben@ambrosiasw.com