unless you've got a better one.
Being a fan of using Trade Routes to earn awesome early cash in EVN, I thought I'd try it in EVC as well.
I was crunching some numbers on the trade route I was working because it didnt seem to be earning me that many credits.
I was using Capella -> Nemesis Industrial/Luxury.
Average prices were as follows:
Stock Capella Nemesis Profit (per ton)
Luxury 525 336 189
Industrial 192 300 108
For a total round trip net profit of 297 credits per ton carried.
My modified Argosy (more decked for weapons admittedly) plus 5 light freighters were carrying 775tons making for a net profit of 230275 credits round trip
My escort price was 14000 per day. It was taking 1 day to launch from planet and 3 days per jump. 2 jumps each way.
For the total of 14 days (1 round trip) it was costing me 196000 credits. Leaving me a profit of only 34275 credits per round trip.
34k profit for 2 jumps each way through pirates?! BAH! BAH I SAY!
Obviously being in an Argosy I'm not going to be able to go on very efficient killing sprees, although I'm finding if I lead them round long enough I can go toe-to-toe against a Corvette with purely my turrets and guns.
I am currently listed as "Competant" for a combat rating.
So, who's got a great idea for me to earn my initial 3M credits (2M for a 'Vette and 1M for decking it out)