Thoughts on ranking
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 12:19 PM
Thoughts on ranking
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 12:19 PM
We should have a contest based on how much fun you had playing EV. I would win.
How about most credits? I love being rich. Or percent of captured universe?
Let's do it based on the pilot's name. Zomar Eeckzlec and Holoday ftw!
I always thought it would be fun to set up time restrictions. See how many ships one could destroy in a limited amount of time.
@mrxak, on Feb 6 2007, 02:12 AM, said in Pre-Contest:
Let's do it based on the pilot's name. Zomar Eeckzlec and Holoday ftw!
I like Zomar Eeckzlec. I can't top that. How did you come up with that? I'm intrigued.
Edit: Added question.
This post has been edited by duke_juker : 08 February 2007 - 02:26 AM
@duke_juker, on Feb 8 2007, 02:25 AM, said in Pre-Contest:
I like Zomar Eeckzlec. I can't top that. How did you come up with that? I'm intrigued.
Just sorta came to me. Seemed rather spaceish. Was not my first pilot though, just my most esteemed. Holoday was a later character, meant to do the other side of things (Confed storyline).
Sweet. Do you use him for EVO or EVN, too? Or any other games for that matter?
I used him for EV and maybe for EVO (doubtful though). I retired him before EVN was being worked on.
Too bad. Well, keep thinking up cool names. Someone could (not should, although that'd be OK, too) start a topic on that some time. Just for fun.
I am sooo bumping this topic.
The first time I played EV it took me all winter to get through the Confed string because I had no idea what I was doing (about four months).
Unusual ship names I've used:
Den of Iniquity
Voodoo Doll
Secret Squirrel
Um, I can't remember anymore.
@guest_wicktownev_-, on Feb 4 2007, 01:53 PM, said in Pre-Contest:
Why you do this thing?
My favorite ship names:
Starseeker (my Mac is now named this)
Yellow Pantaloon (hey, it sounded neat)
Time Dragon** (my favorite)
@callide, on Oct 6 2007, 01:53 PM, said in Pre-Contest:
Why you do this thing?
Because every single thing that WickTownEV writes is just totally chock-full of secret strategies that enable him to make 80 trillion credits and dominate the universe by playing the game for only two weeks in the time he has to spare between his job which makes him a seven-figure income and totally banging a different hot chick every night. If he were to let us mere mortals in on the secrets then he might lose his rank as the world's most accomplished player of an 11-year-old shareware space game.
I don't remember any of my ship names. Like, any of them. Not even from Nova. That's kind of too bad, I think.
@duke_juker, on Feb 8 2007, 12:25 AM, said in Pre-Contest:
I like Zomar Eeckzlec. I can't top that. How did you come up with that? I'm intrigued.
Edit: Added question.
I can top it:
George Hamilton Audience Cheers
Personally, my favourite names for my pilots were ones that EVC would choose for me "Stud Beefpile" and "Dash Riprock".
@sierro, on Oct 7 2007, 11:49 AM, said in Pre-Contest:
Because every single thing that WickTownEV writes is just totally chock-full of secret strategies that enable him to make 80 trillion credits and dominate the universe by playing the game for only two weeks in the time he has to spare between his job which makes him a seven-figure income and totally banging a different hot chick every night. If he were to let us mere mortals in on the secrets then he might lose his rank as the world's most accomplished player of an 11-year-old shareware space game.
I think he deserves a spot next to krizlammy.
(I try not to be mean but seeing as he's edited out almost every single post he ever made I'm thinking he's not planning on ever coming back)
Is the contest officially based on pilot names? Or can we base it on how many space parrots we've killed?
This post has been edited by Guy : 07 October 2007 - 03:50 AM
@sierro, on Oct 6 2007, 04:49 PM, said in Pre-Contest:
Because every single thing that WickTownEV writes is just totally chock-full of secret strategies that enable him to make 80 trillion credits and dominate the universe by playing the game for only two weeks in the time he has to spare between his job which makes him a seven-figure income and totally banging a different hot chick every night. If he were to let us mere mortals in on the secrets then he might lose his rank as the world's most accomplished player of an 11-year-old shareware space game.
Of course! How could I have known this, silly mortal that I am.
Actually, I have nothing against WickTownEV. I really didn't know him and wasn't aware he left.
@sierro, on Oct 6 2007, 07:49 PM, said in Pre-Contest:
Because every single thing that WickTownEV writes is just totally chock-full of secret strategies that enable him to make 80 trillion credits and dominate the universe by playing the game for only two weeks in the time he has to spare between his job which makes him a seven-figure income and totally banging a different hot chick every night. If he were to let us mere mortals in on the secrets then he might lose his rank as the world's most accomplished player of an 11-year-old shareware space game.
My favorite ship name is the R.S.S. Destroyer E. Well, it's stupid, really. But I like it for some reason. And so does mrxak!
My ships used to include the Apple symbol (option-shift-K.)