Can't get honored leader!!
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:47 AM
Can't get honored leader!!
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:47 AM
Capture a bunch of Pirate Argosys, make them escorts, then go into the system you want to be honored, and kill the Pirates that follow you. Land on the nearby planet, take off, destroy the pirates again, and repeat until you have reached said status.
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:47 AM
The following is from the EVO Bible. Is it the same count for EV?
Your legal status in a system is based on the crime tolerance of that system's government. (if the system is independent, it is based on the first government's (ID 128) crime tolerance) On this scale, enough "good" or "evil" points to equal the government's crime tolerance is given a value of 1:
_Good Scale: Legal Status:
0 Clean
4 Decent Individual
16 Good Egg
64 Upstanding Citizen
256 Role Model
1024 Pillar of Society
4096 Honored Leader
Evil Scale: Legal Status:
0 Clean
1 Offender
4 Criminal
16 Felon
64 Fugitive
256 Public Enemy
1024 Prime Evil
4096 Galactic Scourge_
@cippy, on Nov 17 2006, 11:02 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Capture a bunch of Pirate Argosys, make them escorts, then go into the system you want to be honored, and kill the Pirates that follow you. Land on the nearby planet, take off, destroy the pirates again, and repeat until you have reached said status.
I'm confused...why would this make pirates follow you?
@xizzix, on Dec 3 2006, 03:41 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
I'm confused...why would this make pirates follow you?
Pirates follow you if you have a lot of cargo room. I'm guessing this is under the presumption that you have some actual cargo in it. Yay plundering!
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:48 AM
@cippy, on Nov 17 2006, 08:02 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Capture a bunch of Pirate Argosys, make them escorts, then go into the system you want to be honored, and kill the Pirates that follow you. Land on the nearby planet, take off, destroy the pirates again, and repeat until you have reached said status.
This happened even when I hired Argosys to do trade runs. It's a great way to boost your standing in the core systems without making other factions mad at you (if that matters).
@guest_wicktownev_-, on Dec 4 2006, 01:00 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
No, you were right initially Destroyer E. When you capture pirate ships, argosies especially, it makes pirates follow you everywhere. If you capture 6, then every time you depart or fly to a new system you will have a rapier, a couple of lightneens, an argosy, and a few defenders to deal with. Every once in awhile there wont be a pirate, but then you just land and exit again, and there they are. It's probably the pirate system's(government?) attempt to get there ships back or retaliate to your attacks as all of the other governments do.
When I said "a lot of cargo room" I meant having some sort of escort. My explanation with the cargo is just my assumption of the creators' idea behind having pirates chase you under these conditions.
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:48 AM
@guest_wicktownev_-, on Dec 4 2006, 08:32 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Off topic, but, is there any way to kill Matt Burch's kestral? I wonder what the stats are on his ship, does anyone know? IF somehow, you were able to destroy and capture him, would you get his incredible shields?
Try it and tell us.
Backup your pilot file first.
This post has been edited by WickTownEV : 02 March 2007 - 11:49 AM
In the original EV? No. But you could in the Nova port. Anyway, yes you can kill him but no you won't get his shields if you capture him.
Jeez, I hate Matt Burch. He is impossible to kill every time I've tried. Think he has enough lightnings?
@guest_wicktownev_-, on Dec 4 2006, 11:32 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Off topic, but, is there any way to kill Matt Burch's kestral? I wonder what the stats are on his ship, does anyone know? IF somehow, you were able to destroy and capture him, would you get his incredible shields?
Forklift. At least, that's the only way I've been able to do it.
@boris-yetskins, on Dec 5 2006, 06:30 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Jeez, I hate Matt Burch. He is impossible to kill every time I've tried. Think he has enough lightnings?
Twenty of 'em, if I'm not mistaken.
Is there anyway to get more lightnings than the maximum two? I remember being able to get 10 on one kestrel.
I think there was a bug in early versions that allowed you to capture fighters beyond the maximum allowed. But like all cool bugs, it's been fixed.
@boris-yetskins, on Dec 5 2006, 08:49 PM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
Is there anyway to get more lightnings than the maximum two? I remember being able to get 10 on one kestrel.
Yes, actually. Since you asked, I'll share one of my signature EV moves.
To do this, you need to find another Kestrel pirate. Disable it, and it's Lightnings. Because with the Lightnings, they don't have much armor and explode easily. The easiest way I've found of disabling them is quickly hitting them with three consecutive missiles. After this, using the tractor beam, drag the Lightnings back into the Kestrel. Board it, and you might be able to take the 2 Lightning Fighter Bombers.
You can do the same with one of the U.S.S. Confed cruisers, if it launches Gunboats.
Another variation (which you must be pretty good to pull it off), is to disable the Kestrel before it launches its Lightnings. If the Kestrel was in another battle when you entered the system, and it wins, it will sometime summon its Lightnings back in to refuel real quick. That's one of the luckiest scenarios you can get. You can do this with all the other ships that have fighter bays. I once pulled off disabling a named Pirate Argosy that launched Hawks. Beautiful. Also, while in a Rebel Destroyer, I disabled a Confed Cruiser and got some Patrol Ships. Kind of ironic, very funny.
A fourth variation is also dependent on luck. If you time it right, after you disable the Kestrel, you can cloak and the Lightnings will return to the Kestrel. It's an easy board from there.
One final way, for those that don't have tractor beams and cloaking devices, is to very carefully disable the Lightnings. After your Kestrel friend is disabled, situate your ship close to it. As the Lightnings come in for their attacks, shoot your primaries at them. If you hit them correctly, they will disable and have enough momentum to fly right into the Kestrel. This method takes a little practice.
For those of you that are greedy and don't need an excessive amount of Lightnings (or Hawks), you can sell them in an outfit ship, making easy money. Lightnings go for a million a piece. Not a bad deal.
If you get some Gunboats, Mantas, Patrol Ships, or some other fighter that doesn't sell in the outfit yards of the normal game, don't worry about it. They don't take up any weapon space, and they increase your ship's value.
^That's what happens after many years of playing this game...
@cippy, on Dec 7 2006, 08:40 AM, said in Help with legal status por favor:
After this, using the tractor beam, drag the Lightnings back into the Kestrel.
Now that is a nice move :). But none of this still works in 1.0.5, right?
I only was able to do it when the kestrel disables whatever he was after and then calls the lighnings back.