Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • plug ins

      How do you create a plug in?

    • If you want to create plug-ins for EVC (not the EVN port), you need a Mac (EVNEW can't do EVC) with either ResEdit (with Novatools) or MissionComputer.

    • Rossy, it always helps us answer your questions when we know what computer you're on. Do you have a Mac, or PC?
      If you have a Mac, are you using OSX or Classic?

      There are resource utility-applications you need to create plugs for EV:

      1. If you have a Mac and an OS (Operating System) earlier than X, you use a Resource Editor called ResEdit. Or Mission Computer.
      2. If you have a Mac and are using OSX, you need NovaTools.
      3. If you have a PC, I have no idea what to use. Maybe Basillik? (bleh, I have no idea, someone help)

      Plugins aren't exactly plug-n-play. I suggest going down to the forum called Developer's Corner, and just start reading some of the posts. Or, do a search, in the EV forum, for creating plugins. Be patient, it will take a bit of reading to understand it all, but if I can figure out ResEdit, anyone can. Good luck!

    • For more detailed information, EVDC is your friend.