Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I Need help on Several Plug-ins

      Hey, can anybody tell me where to check for the "Thor Super Tanker" missions in the plugin "Femme Fatale", I'm sure I've landed on every system in the game but still no one has seen them, it would be a great help if you could tell me. Also in the plug-in "Beyond the Crescent" there's a stupid mission saying I have to find the key and unlock that stupid scientists secret door, Well where in the flocking frag is it...any info on that would bve helpful. And lastly in "EVO Plus" I cant find the gravity inhibitor missions or the bonev plating missions. Well thats all the ones I have problems with. Please help me and also thanks.

      I'm the Super that Hired God

    • Maybe you're playing too many plugins at once & getting confused? 🙂
      ***** SPOILER BELOW *****
      Anyhow, FF is like FH -- it's a puzzle that's easily solved with a little thinking. One Thor is where the finale for FH took place, remember? Another Thor is at your war-torn (home?) planet. & the 3rd ... well, there are some things you should figure out for yourself.

      BTC: it's been a while since I played this one. I think it's in the system that's named twice. 😉

      Can't help you with EVO+, sorry.


      "I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
      -- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

      (This message has been edited by Xopher (edited 07-10-2000).)